Finance Mandated reports

Please note this is not an exhaustive list. Contact the library for these and other reports.

Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Trust annual report – by the Office of the State Treasurer; pursuant to CGS 3-39k

Adjusted payments regarding Connecticut programs of tax relief for elderly homeowners and grants to elderly renters – annual report by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to CGS 12-170bb

Advance notification of municipal road work to gas, water and other utility companiesAdvance notification of municipal road work to gas, water and other utility companies – by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to PA 22-118 s.462

Ambulatory surgical centers tax (impact of the gross receipts tax on ambulatory surgical centers)Ambulatory surgical centers tax (impact of the gross receipts tax on ambulatory surgical centers) – by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to PA 16-3 (May) s.197

Angel tax credit program – annual report by CT Innovations Inc.; pursuant to CGS 12-704d(g)

Brainard Airport property study – published by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to CGS 32-9x (PA 22-118 s.426)

Certified aerospace manufacturing projects – triennial report by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to CGS 32-4n(g)(2)

Cliff Retirements Adding Efficiency, Accountability, and Technology to Economize State Government (CREATES) report – by the Boston Consulting Group; pursuant to PA 18-81 s.57
report   accompanying materials   project summary

Commission on Fiscal Stability and Economic Growth final reportCommission on Fiscal Stability and Economic Growth final report – pursuant to PA 17-2 (June) s.250

Compliance with the Railroad Tax Exemption Program – annual report by the Dept. of Transportation; pursuant to CGS 13b-230

Consensus revenue estimates – report three times a year by the Office of Policy and Management and Office of Fiscal Analysis; pursuant to CGS 2-36c

CT Pension Sustainability Commission final reportCT Pension Sustainability Commission final report – pursuant to PA 17-2 s.180 June

Dept. of Economic and Community Development annual report – pursuant to CGS 32-1m

Dept. of Economic and Community Development annual reports evaluation – periodic report by the Auditors of Public Accounts; pursuant to CGS 2-90c

Estimates of state formula aid to municipalities – annual report by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to CGS 4-71b

Fiscal accountability report – annual report by the Office of Fiscal Analysis; pursuant to CGS 2-36b

Fiscal accountability report – annual report by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to CGS 2-36b

Food insecurity strategic planFood insecurity strategic plan – by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to PA 23-204 s.158

Historic rehabilitation tax credit report – annual report by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to CGS 10-416c(j)

Interstate tax collection enforcementInterstate tax collection enforcement – by the Office of the Attorney General and Dept. of Revenue Services; pursuant to PA 22-117 s.34

Motor Vehicle Tax Task Force final reportMotor Vehicle Tax Task Force final report – pursuant to SA 23-24

Office of Film, Television & Digital Media annual activity report – by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to CGS 32-1p

Open space report to the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee and the State Bond Commission – monthly report by the Dept. of Energy and Environmental Protection; pursuant to CGS 22a-6v

Options for measuring municipal fiscal capacityOptions for measuring municipal fiscal capacity – by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to PA 19-117 s.367

Pilot program to allow for assessment of commercial property based on occupant’s net profits (alternative method of assessment for commercial properties) – annual report by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to CGS 12-63i(c)

Prototype model school building program reportPrototype model school building program report – by the School Building Projects Advisory Council; pursuant to PA 17-2 s.223 June

Recommendations for the prevention of cannabis use in youthRecommendations for the prevention of cannabis use in youth – published by the Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Services; pursuant to PA 21-1 s.65 June

Regional performance incentive program (RPI) annual report – by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to CGS 4-124s(e)

Regional Services Grant annual reports – by each regional council of government; pursuant to CGS 4-66r

State laws governing the sales and use tax, personal income tax, and corporation business taxState laws governing the sales and use tax, personal income tax, and corporation business tax – by the Dept. of Revenue Services; pursuant to SA 16-14 s.1

State-wide trends related to taxable property and exemptions from property tax on the grand list – annual report by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to CGS 12-120a

Status of the procurement of body scanning machines for use in correctional facilitiesStatus of the procurement of body scanning machines for use in correctional facilities – by the Dept. of Correction; pursuant to PA 23-12 s.2

Tax expenditure report – biennial report by the Office of Fiscal Analysis; pursuant to CGS 12-7b(e)

Tax incidence study – biennial report by the Dept. of Revenue Services; pursuant to CGS 12-7c

Unused R&D tax credit legislative recommendationsUnused R&D tax credit legislative recommendations – by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to SA 16-21