2018 Issues Conference
Road Work Ahead:
Connecticut’s Transportation Infrastructure Challenge
research guide
Click here to view the PowerPoint presentation.
OLR Reports
Issue Brief: Special Transportation Fund (2018-R-0293)
Tolls and Federal Highway Funding Consequences (2018-R-0244)
Ballot Question and Explanatory Text for 2018 Proposed Constitutional Amendments (2018-R-0230)
Special Transportation Fund (2018-R-0088)
Motor Fuel Taxes (2018-R-0054)
Toll Revenue, Gas Taxes, and Gas Prices in Selected States (2018-R-0048)
Tolls and Transportation Funding (2017-R-0261)
Tolling Backgrounder (2017-R-0234)
Restriction on Mileage-Based User Fee Expenditures (2017-R-0210)
Issue Brief: Transportation Funding (2016-R-0298)
Mileage-Based User Fee Grant Application (2016-R-0140)
Transportation Finance Panel Recommendations (2016-R-0047)
Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act (2016-R-0001)
Questions About Tolling in Connecticut (2015-R-0048)
Update of OLR Report 2005-R-0345 Regarding the Metro North Contract Analysis (2015-R-0004)
OLR Backgrounder: Toll Roads and Public-Private Partnerships (2013-R-0394)
Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Transportation Funding (2012-R-0029)
Understanding Tolls in Connecticut: Frequently Asked Questions on their Past, Present, and Possible Future (2009-R-0122)
Other reports
Transportation funding generally
Fiscal accountability report FY 2019 – FY 2022Fiscal accountability report FY 2019 – FY 2022 – by the Office of Fiscal Analysis, November 2018. Section on the Special Transportation Fund begins on p. 34 of the report (p. 38 of the PDF file).
Current state of the Special Transportation FundCurrent state of the Special Transportation Fund – by the Office of Policy and Management, December 2017
Transportation Finance Panel final reportfinal report, presentationpresentation, attachmentsattachments, and tablestables, 2016
Transportation governance and finance: a 50-state review of state legislatures and departments of transportationTransportation governance and finance: a 50-state review of state legislatures and departments of transportation – by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), 2016
Preserving Connecticut’s bridges: the condition and funding needs of Connecticut’s aging bridge system – by TRIP, 2018. ReportReport and appendixappendix
Connecticut transportation by the numbers: meeting the state’s need for safe and efficient mobilityConnecticut transportation by the numbers: meeting the state’s need for safe and efficient mobility – by TRIP, 2017
Funding and financing highways and public transportationFunding and financing highways and public transportation – by the Congressional Research Service, 2018
Funding federal-aid highwaysFunding federal-aid highways – by the Federal Highway Administration, 2017
Surface transportation funding and programs under MAP-21: Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (P.L. 112-141)Surface transportation funding and programs under MAP-21: Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (P.L. 112-141) – by the Congressional Research Service, 2012
Connecticut Commission on Fiscal Stability and Economic Growth final reportfinal report, March 2018
Specific highways in Connecticut
Connecticut I-84 corridor congestion relief study and summary — by CDM Smith, 2016
Connecticut I-95 corridor congestion relief study and summary — by CDM Smith, 2016
appendices part 1; appendices part 2; appendices accessible in full text through the Legislative Library intranet catalog or by contacting the library
OLR’s summary: Results of I-95 Congestion Relief Study (2016-R-0276)
Tolls and congestion pricing
Connecticut tolling options evaluation studyConnecticut tolling options evaluation study – by CDM Smith, November 2018
A conceptual look at tolling highways in ConnecticutA conceptual look at tolling highways in Connecticut — by CDM Smith, 2015
Connecticut electronic tolling and congestion pricing study: draft final reportConnecticut electronic tolling and congestion pricing study: draft final report — by Cambridge Systematics Inc., 2009; presentation accessible in full text through the Legislative Library intranet catalog or by contacting the library
volume 1: summary of findings
volume 2: background report
volume 3: technical appendices
Tolling U.S. highways and bridgesTolling U.S. highways and bridges – by the Congressional Research Service, 2017
Current laws on tolling existing and new facilities on federal interstate highwaysCurrent laws on tolling existing and new facilities on federal interstate highways – by CDM Smith, 2015
Interstate 2.0: Modernizing the interstate highway system via toll financeInterstate 2.0: Modernizing the interstate highway system via toll finance — by the Reason Foundation, 2013
Fuel taxation
Recalibrating the motor fuel tax*Recalibrating the motor fuel tax – NCSL Legisbrief, 2017
Building a better gas tax: how to fix one of state government’s least sustainable revenue sourcesBuilding a better gas tax: how to fix one of state government’s least sustainable revenue sources – Institute of Taxation and Economic Policy, 2011
Public-private partnerships
Successful practices for P3s: a review of what works when delivering transportation via public-private partnershipsSuccessful practices for P3s: a review of what works when delivering transportation via public-private partnerships – by the U.S. Dept. of Transportation, 2016
Online sources
CT Dept. of Transportation studies and maps
CT Dept. of Transportation five-year capital plan
U.S. Dept. of Transportation research, development, and technology strategic plan
National Conference of State Legislatures pages on transportation funding and finance and on federal issues in transportation
Congressional Budget Office infrastructure and transportation reports
Toll facilities in the United States — Federal Highway Administration page
Federal Highway Administration highway funding information
Transportation funding and finance state bill tracking database – from the National Conference of State Legislatures; tracks legislation from 2013-present
Connecticut Mirror articles on the Special Transportation Fund
Office of Fiscal Analysis budget books
Office of Fiscal Analysis bond and grant information
CT Dept. of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration I-84 and I-95 congestion relief study website
American Petroleum Institute gasoline tax data
Historical sources*
Connecticut tolling agreementConnecticut tolling agreement between Connecticut and the U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 1983
Analysis of the elimination of toll facilities on the Connecticut Turnpike, Merritt and Wilbur Cross Parkways, and Hartford area bridgesAnalysis of the elimination of toll facilities on the Connecticut Turnpike, Merritt and Wilbur Cross Parkways, and Hartford area bridges— by OFA and OLR, 1983
Commuter toll plate study Connecticut Turnpike: prepared for the CT Department of Transportation by Wilbur Smith and Associates, 1978 (includes Connecticut Turnpike tolls map) (hard copy in library)
Tolls in Connecticut – OLR Report 91-R-1253 (hard copy in library)
Toll revenues and expenses – annual OLR Reports from the late 1970s and early 1980s (hard copies in library)
Constitutional amendment on a transportation funding lockbox
Resolution Act 17-1 (2017 House Joint Resolution 100) and its explanatory text
*These sources are accessible in full text through the Legislative Library intranet catalog or by contacting the library.