Insurance Mandated reports

Please note this is not an exhaustive list. Contact the library for these and other reports.

Access to insurance by Connecticut cannabis establishmentsAccess to insurance by Connecticut cannabis establishments – by the Insurance Dept.; pursuant to PA 21-1 s.64 June

Annual summary of Consumer Affairs Division quarterly reports of received complaints – by the Insurance Dept.; pursuant to CGS 38a-9(a)

Certificate of Need Task Force final reportCertificate of Need Task Force final report – pursuant to PA 22-118 s.124

Climate progress report – biennial report by the Insurance Dept.; pursuant to CGS 38a-23

Connecticut acute care hospital and outpatient surgical facility data: report to Access Health CT – annual report by the Public Health and Insurance departments; pursuant to CGS 38a-1084a(c)

Connecticut exchange adverse selection study – annual report from Access Health CT; pursuant to CGS 38a-1084 (25)

Connecticut health insurance exchange (d/b/a Access Health CT) annual report – pursuant to CGS 38a-1089(b)

Connecticut medical malpractice annual report – by the Insurance Dept.; pursuant to CGS 38a-395

Consumer report card on health insurance carriers in Connecticut – annual report pursuant to CGS 38a-478l

Covered CT semi-annual report – by the Dept. of Social Services; pursuant to CGS 19a-754c

Determination re. program to refer individuals with diabetes to certain entities for treatment regardless of their health coverage statusDetermination re. program to refer individuals with diabetes to certain entities for treatment regardless of their health coverage status – by the Diabetes Patient Referral Program Working Group; pursuant to PA 20-4 s.1(b)(6) July

Financial and personnel status reports – quarterly report by Access Health CT to the Office of Fiscal Analysis; pursuant to CGS 1-123(b) and CGS 1-123(c)

Health carrier rebate practices – annual report by the Insurance Dept.; pursuant to CGS 38a-479ttt

Healthcare cost growth benchmark and primary care spending target initiatives – annual report by the Office of Health Strategy; pursuant to CGS 19a-754j

Healthcare coverage feasibility studyHealthcare coverage feasibility study – by the Office of Health Strategy; pursuant to PA 21-176 s.5

High Deductible Health Plan Task Force final reportfinal report – pursuant to PA 19-117 s.247(g)

Insurance Commissioner annual report – pursuant to CGS 38a-12(a)

Managed care report – annual report by the Insurance Dept.; pursuant to CGS 38a-478a and CGS 38a-478b(b)

Nonquantitative treatment limitation (NQTL) report – annual report by the Insurance Dept.; pursuant to CGS 38a-477ee

Office of the Healthcare Advocate annual evaluation – by the Advisory Committee to the Office of the Healthcare Advocate; pursuant to CGS 38a-1049(b)

Office of the Healthcare Advocate annual report – pursuant to CGS 38a-1050

Outpatient prescription drug cost report – annual report by the Insurance Dept.; pursuant to CGS 38a-479sss

Paraeducator Healthcare Work Group studyParaeducator Healthcare Work Group study – published by Access Health CT; pursuant to PA 23-204 s.206

Pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) rebate report – annual report by the Insurance Dept.; pursuant to CGS 38a-479ppp

Property casualty insurance rate reviews – annual report by the Insurance Dept.; pursuant to CGS 38a-9(c)

Protecting behavioral health for consumers in Connecticut: report on recommendations for utilization and quality measures data collectionProtecting behavioral health for consumers in Connecticut: report on recommendations for utilization and quality measures data collection – by the Behavioral Health Working Group; pursuant to PA 16-158 and PA 15-5 s.353 June

Quarterly data report – by Access Health CT; pursuant to CGS 38a-1092(a)

Statewide healthcare facilities and services plan – biennial report by the Office of Health Care Access; pursuant to CGS 19a-634

A study to use captive insurance companies to reduce premium rate increases for Connecticut Partnership long-term care insurance policiesA study to use captive insurance companies to reduce premium rate increases for Connecticut Partnership long-term care insurance policies – by the CT Insurance Dept.; pursuant to PA22-107

Telehealth analysis reportTelehealth analysis report – published by the Office of Health Strategy; pursuant to PA 22-81 s.41

Wheelchair Repair Task Force final report and recommendationsWheelchair Repair Task Force final report and recommendations – pursuant to SA 23-22