Labor Websites

State agencies

Dept. of Labor

Division of Occupational Health and Safety

Office of Labor Relations


State boards, commissions, and task forces

Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities

Employees’ Review Board

Teachers’ Retirement Board

Workers’ Compensation Commission


Federal government

U.S. Dept. of Labor

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

National Labor Relations Board

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


Other organizations

American Bar Association Labor and Employment Law Section

Employee Benefit Research Institute


Other online resources

Connecticut labor law – research guide by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

Connecticut law about family medical leave – research guide by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

Connecticut law about wrongful discharge from employment – research guide by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

Connecticut unemployment law – research guide by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

Connecticut law about workers’ compensation – research guide by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

Recent Connecticut Appellate Court and Supreme Court employment law opinions – from the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

Local Area Unemployment Statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics