Labor Call number ranges

For the past several years, almost all newly published items added to the library’s collection have been in electronic format only. These items are accessible in full text through the library’s intranet catalog. Many old print materials have also been digitized and uploaded to the library’s catalog.

To get a general sense of a subject’s history, however, you may find it useful to browse the library stacks in certain locations to see print copies of older publications (and the occasional newer item that was published both electronically and in print). For publications related to labor and public employees, call number ranges include, but are not limited to:

331 labor economics
332 financial economics
338 production
344 labor, social, education and cultural law
362-363 social welfare problems and services
368 insurance
378 higher education

Hard copies of mandated reports that were produced only once or as a limited series are shelved by the number of the act that required the report. Hard copies of mandated reports produced regularly with no set end date (for example, state agencies’ annual reports) are shelved in the stacks by subject.

Labor Other resources in the library’s collection

ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) in Connecticut: a financial hardship study – periodic report by the United Way of Connecticut

Audit of the John J. Driscoll United Labor Agency (ULA) administration of the Sandy Hook Workers Assistance Program (SHWAP)Audit of the John J. Driscoll United Labor Agency (ULA) administration of the Sandy Hook Workers Assistance Program (SHWAP) – by the Auditors of Public Accounts, 2019

Connecticut’s short-term employment outlook 2020-2022Connecticut’s short-term employment outlook 2020-2022 – by the state Dept. of Labor, 2021

The Connecticut state workforce: an analysis of representation and compensation equity across gender and race-ethnicityThe Connecticut state workforce: an analysis of representation and compensation equity across gender and race-ethnicity – by the Governor’s Council on Women and Girls, 2019

Employer health benefits annual survey – by the Kaiser Family Foundation

The future of pay equity and representation in Connecticut’s executive branchThe future of pay equity and representation in Connecticut’s executive branch – published by the Governor’s Council on Women and Girls, 2021

The labor market impacts of paid sick leave: evidence from ConnecticutThe labor market impacts of paid sick leave: evidence from Connecticut – by the Employment Policies Institute, 2016

Occupational disease in Connecticut – annual report published by the Workers’ Compensation Commission

Post-retirement tsunami: trends in representation and pay equity in CT state governmentPost-retirement tsunami: trends in representation and pay equity in CT state government – published by the Office of the State Comptroller and the University of Connecticut School of Public Policy, 2024

Reemployment of older workersReemployment of older workers – by the Office of Program Review and Investigations, 2013

Social Security primer – by the Congressional Research Service, 2022

The state of working Connecticut – annual report by Connecticut Voices for Children

Work matters: a framework for states on workforce development for people with disabilitiesWork matters: a framework for states on workforce development for people with disabilities – by the Council of State Governments and the National Conference of State Legislatures, 2016

Labor Mandated reports

Please note this is not an exhaustive list. Contact the library for these and other reports.

Connecticut Employment and Training Commission legislative report card – annual report pursuant to CGS 31-3yy

Connecticut industry sectors and workforce needsConnecticut industry sectors and workforce needs – by the Dept. of Labor; pursuant to PA 18-178 s.45(b)(2)

Connecticut Low Wage Employer Advisory Board annual report – pursuant to CGS 31-76n(d)

Connecticut Manufacturing Committee program report – annual report published by the Dept. of Education; pursuant to CGS 10-21j(c)

Connecticut Paid Leave Authority annual report – pursuant to CGS 31-49t

Connecticut State Employees Retirement System actuarial valuation – annual report published by the Office of the State Comptroller; pursuant to CGS 5-156a(a)

COVID-19 workers’ compensation claims – monthly report by the Workers’ Compensation Commission; pursuant to Lamont EO 7JJJ

Data breaches and false unemployment claims suffered by the Labor DepartmentData breaches and false unemployment claims suffered by the Labor Department – by the Dept. of Labor; pursuant to SA 23-3

Disciplinary reports, inmate assaults, workers’ compensation claims, and inmate population density for each correctional facility – quarterly report by the Dept. of Correction; pursuant to CGS 18-81t

Economic trends – annual report by the Dept. of Labor; pursuant to CGS 10-95h

The need for a permanent program to authorize amusement establishments in the state to employ persons who are fifteen years of age or older in nonhazardous positionsThe need for a permanent program to authorize amusement establishments in the state to employ persons who are fifteen years of age or older in nonhazardous positions – by the Dept. of Labor; pursuant to PA 23-183 s.3

Optimal methods for obtaining information related to employees receiving gratuitiesOptimal methods for obtaining information related to employees receiving gratuities – by the Dept. of Labor; pursuant to PA 19-4 s.3

Paraeducator Healthcare Work Group studyParaeducator Healthcare Work Group study – published by Access Health CT; pursuant to PA 23-204 s.206

State agency hiring practices – by the Dept. of Administrative Services; pursuant to SA 23-19

State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition (SEBAC) savings – annual report by the State Comptroller; pursuant to CGS 3-117b

State Marshal Commission healthcare studyState Marshal Commission healthcare study – by the State Marshal Commission; pursuant to SA 23-6

Subsidized Training and Employment (Step Up) Program – semiannual report by the Dept. of Labor; pursuant to CGS 31-3pp(f)

Task Force to Study Cancer Relief Benefits for Firefighters recommendationsTask Force to Study Cancer Relief Benefits for Firefighters recommendations – pursuant to SA 21-35

Toolkit for success: planning, retaining, and diversifying a 21st century state workforceToolkit for success: planning, retaining, and diversifying a 21st century state workforce – by the Task Force to Study the State Workforce and Retiring Employees; pursuant to PA 21-2 s.189 June

Uncollectible cancelled unemployment claims – annual report by the Dept. of Labor; pursuant to CGS 31-273

Unemployed Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and Employment (Step Up) Program – semiannual report by the Dept. of Labor; pursuant to CGS 31-3uu(d)

Unemployment compensation experience ratesUnemployment compensation experience rates – by the Dept. of Labor; pursuant to SA 22-13

Labor Databases

Compensation Review Board opinions and annotations to opinions

NCSL Collective Bargaining Legislation Database – from the National Conference of State Legislatures. Tracks legislation from 2011-present.

NCSL Disability Employment Legislation Database – from the National Conference of State Legislatures and the U.S. Dept. of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy. Tracks legislation from 2016-present.

NCSL Minimum Wage Legislation Database – from the National Conference of State Legislatures. Tracks legislation from 2014-present.

NCSL Pension and Retirement Legislation Database – from the National Conference of State Legislatures and the Pew Charitable Trusts. Tracks legislation from 2012-present.

NCSL Unemployment Legislation Database – from the National Conference of State Legislatures. Tracks legislation from 2010-present.

Labor Periodicals

CBIA News – CT Business and Industry Association; print subscription.

CT Labor Force Data for Affirmative Action Plans – Dept. of Labor; electronic subscription.

CT Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media – Dept. of Labor; electronic subscription.

CT Economic Digest – Dept. of Labor and Dept. of Economic and Community Development; electronic and print subscription.

CT Local Area Unemployment Statistics – Dept. of Labor; electronic subscription.

CT Labor Market Information At-A-Glance – Dept. of Labor; electronic subscription.

CT Labor Situation – Dept. of Labor; electronic subscription.

Employment Research Newsletter – W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research; electronic subscription.

Labor Websites

State agencies

Dept. of Labor

Division of Occupational Health and Safety

Office of Labor Relations


State boards, commissions, and task forces

Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities

Employees’ Review Board

Teachers’ Retirement Board

Workers’ Compensation Commission


Federal government

U.S. Dept. of Labor

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

National Labor Relations Board

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


Other organizations

American Bar Association Labor and Employment Law Section

Employee Benefit Research Institute


Other online resources

Connecticut labor law – research guide by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

Connecticut law about family medical leave – research guide by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

Connecticut law about wrongful discharge from employment – research guide by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

Connecticut unemployment law – research guide by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

Connecticut law about workers’ compensation – research guide by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

Recent Connecticut Appellate Court and Supreme Court employment law opinions – from the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

Local Area Unemployment Statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Labor Finding OLR Reports and more in the vertical files: index headings

For OLR Reports and other materials related to the Labor and Public Employees Committee’s work, index headings include:

Collective Bargaining
Discrimination in Employment
Employment Testing
Family and Medical Leave
Fire Departments and Firefighters
Food Service Employees
Heart Disease and Hypertension Benefits
Hours of Work
Job Development
Labor-Fringe Benefits
Labor-Law and Legislation
Labor Relations
Labor Supply
Migrant Labor
Minimum Wage
Municipal Officials and Employees
Occupational Safety
Occupational Training
Public Employees – (Political Activity, State, State-Compensation, State-Retirement, State-SEBAC)
Retirement and Pension Systems
School Employees
Social Security
Teachers – (Certification and Evaluation, Compensation, Labor Negotiations, Retirement)
Trade Unions
Unemployment Compensation
Vocational Rehabilitation
Workers’ Compensation
Workplace Violence

The library assigns topical index headings to all OLR Reports and keeps hard copies of the reports organized by these index headings. Reports from 1994 to the present are in the library’s file cabinets (aka the “vertical files”) in the red-tabbed folders, as well as online in full text. Older reports are in two sets of bound volumes (one set for the 1970s, and one for 1980-1993) on the library’s shelves.

The same index headings the library uses for OLR Reports have been used to organize over 600 subject files of materials such as newspaper clippings, court decisions, press releases, pamphlets, and other resources that would be more difficult to locate if they were dispersed throughout the library’s general collection. The subject files are in the blue-tabbed folders in the file cabinets. (Many of the items in these folders have also been digitized by the library, and their electronic versions can be found in the library’s intranet catalog.)

Labor Recent OLR Reports

The Office of Legislative Research writes nonpartisan reports for legislators on various topics. Recent reports related to the Labor and Public Employees Committee’s subject areas include:

State Paid Sick Leave Laws – 2024-R-0077

Connecticut’s Paid Sick Leave Law – 2023-R-0282

Eligibility Criteria for Workers’ Compensation Benefits for PTSD in First Responders – 2023-R-0266

State Laws for Employees Working in Excessive Heat – 2023-R-0243

Union, Non-Union, and Managerial Pay Plan State Employees, 2008-2023 – 2023-R-0241

Issue Brief: Connecticut’s COVID-19 Essential Workers Programs – 2022-R-0271

Workers’ Compensation Laws Enacted 2014-2022 – 2022-R-0236

Connecticut’s Family and Medical Leave Act – 2022-R-0208

Criteria for “Connecticut-Based” Employers and Employees in the State’s Labor Statutes – 2022-R-0215

General Assembly Employees and the Prohibition on Unionization – 2022-R-0196