Public Health Websites

State agencies

Dept. of Public Health (DPH)

Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS)

Dept. of Developmental Services (DDS)

Office of the Healthcare Advocate (OHA)

Office of Health Strategy (OHS)

            CT Healthcare Affordability Index

State boards, commissions, and task forces

Council on Medical Assistance Program Oversight

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Advisory Board

Palliative Care Advisory Council

Task Force to Study the Voluntary Services Program Operated by the Dept. of Children and Families


Federal government

National Institutes of Health (NIH), including the National Library of Medicine

Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC), including the National Center for Health Statistics

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)


Other organizations

Kaiser Family Foundation

Mayo Clinic

Urban Institute Health Policy Center


Other online resources

Expanding Access to Care – Legislative Library research guide from the 2020 OLR Issues Conference

Detox bed availability – from DMHAS; “real-time” updates on bed availability for addiction services in Connecticut

Healthy People 2030 – from the federal Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion; includes health topic summaries, leading health indicators, data, webinars, and more

MedlinePlus – from the National Library of Medicine; definitions, articles, illustrations, and videos about diseases and conditions, drugs, treatments, and other health topics

PLACES – from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the CDC Foundation; includes an interactive map of various health data measures by geographic areas such as Census tracts.

RAND Corporation research on public health

Research guides by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries:

            Connecticut law about commitment (voluntary/involuntary)

            Connecticut law about drug crimes

            Connecticut law about funerals and cremation

            Connecticut law about health care

            Connecticut law about involuntary medication

            Connecticut law about medical malpractice

            Connecticut law about medical marijuana

            Connecticut law about quarantine

            Connecticut law about smoking