Public Safety Mandated reports

Please note this is not an exhaustive list. Contact the library for these and other reports.

Community engagement training update – annual report by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to CGS 4-68gg

Crime in Connecticut (Uniform Crime Reporting Program annual report) – by the Dept. of Emergency Services and Public Protection; pursuant to CGS 29-1c

Division of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications annual report – by the Dept. of Emergency Services and Public Protection; pursuant to CGS 28-29b

Emergency Department Boarding and Crowding Workgroup interim reportEmergency Department Boarding and Crowding Workgroup interim report – pursuant to PA 23-97 s.27

Feasibility of implementing a statewide program for police departments to refer people to services for substance use disordersFeasibility of implementing a statewide program for police departments to refer people to services for substance use disorders – by the CT Alcohol and Drug Policy Council; pursuant to PA 17-131 s.7(e)

Firefighters Cancer Relief Fund status – annual report by the Office of the State Treasurer; pursuant to CGS 7-313k

Hate Crimes Advisory Council annual report – pursuant to CGS 51-279f

Human trafficking reports – annual reports by each police department in the state; pursuant to CGS 51-286h

Impacts of legalized gambling in Connecticut (2023)Impacts of legalized gambling in Connecticut (2023) – published at least every 10 years by the Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Services; pursuant to CGS 12-564(b)

Inclusion of gas detectors within the State Building CodeInclusion of gas detectors within the State Building Code – by the Dept. of Administrative Services (Codes and Standards Committee, Office of the State Building Inspector, and Office of the State Fire Marshal); pursuant to PA 23-102 s.40

Merits and feasibility of establishing a facility to train police officers on the symptoms of cannabis impairmentMerits and feasibility of establishing a facility to train police officers on the symptoms of cannabis impairment – by the Dept. of Emergency Services and Public Protection; pursuant to PA 21-1 s.165 June

Merits and feasibility of establishing a police phlebotomy programMerits and feasibility of establishing a police phlebotomy program – by the Dept. of Emergency Services and Public Protection; pursuant to PA 21-1 s.165 June

Model policy on the use of body worn recording equipment and dashboard cameras – periodic report by the Dept. of Emergency Services and Public Protection, and the Police Officer Standards and Training Council; pursuant to CGS 29-6d

Online lottery gaming revenue and the debt-free community college programOnline lottery gaming revenue and the debt-free community college program – by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to PA 19-117 s.364

Police pursuit data – annual report by the Police Officer Standards and Training Council; pursuant to CGS 14-283a

Police Transparency and Accountability Task Force annotated updated final reportPolice Transparency and Accountability Task Force annotated updated final report – pursuant to PA 19-90 s.6 and PA 20-1 July s.12

Police use of force – annual report published by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to CGS 7-282e(d)

Preliminary status report for each incident in which police used deadly force – by the Division of Criminal Justice; pursuant to CGS 51-277a

Project Longevity implementation planningProject Longevity implementation planning – by the Office of the Chief Court Administrator; pursuant to PA 22-118 s.123

Project Longevity implementation planningProject Longevity implementation planning – by the Office of Policy and Management and The Justice Education Center, Inc.; pursuant to PA 21-153

Sexual assault, stalking and intimate partner violence reports – annual reports by each institution of higher education in the state; pursuant to CGS 10a-55m(f)

Staffing requirements biennial report – by the Dept. of Emergency Services and Public Protection; pursuant to CGS 29-4(b)

Task Force to Study the Training Curriculum and Education of Police Officers in the State of Connecticut final reportTask Force to Study the Training Curriculum and Education of Police Officers in the State of Connecticut final report – pursuant to SA 16-13

Traffic stop data analysis and findings – annual report by the Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy at Central Connecticut State University; pursuant to CGS 54-1m(i)

Whiting Forensic Hospital physician salary reviewWhiting Forensic Hospital physician salary review – by the Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Services; pursuant to PA 22-45 s.9