Transportation Other resources in the library’s collection

Alcohol, other drug, and multiple drug use among driversAlcohol, other drug, and multiple drug use among drivers – by the National Transportation Safety Board, 2022

Comprehensive pedestrian safety strategyComprehensive pedestrian safety strategy – by the CT Dept. of Transportation, 2021

Connecticut I-84 corridor congestion relief study – by CDM Smith; published by the Federal Highway Administration and the CT Dept. of Transportation, 2016

Connecticut I-95 corridor congestion relief study – by CDM Smith; published by the Federal Highway Administration and the CT Dept. of Transportation, 2016

Connecticut transportation by the numbers: meeting the state’s need for safe and efficient mobilityConnecticut transportation by the numbers: meeting the state’s need for safe and efficient mobility – by TRIP (The Road Information Program), 2017

Connecticut Type II statewide noise analysis: final Type II noise analysis reportConnecticut Type II statewide noise analysis: final Type II noise analysis report – published by the CT Dept. of Transportation, 2024

Connecticut’s statewide long-range transportation plan – periodic report published by the CT Dept. of Transportation

Dept. of Motor Vehicles Connecticut Integrated Vehicle and Licensing System (CIVLS) information technology security auditDept. of Motor Vehicles Connecticut Integrated Vehicle and Licensing System (CIVLS) information technology security audit – by the Auditors of Public Accounts, 2019

The economic significance of Connecticut automotive dealersThe economic significance of Connecticut automotive dealers – by the CT Center for Economic Analysis, 2021

Governor’s Transportation Finance Panel final report, 2016: reportreportpresentationpresentationattachmentsattachments, and tables tables

Innovative technology deployment: development of a virtual screening facility pilot project for Connecticut’s commercial vehicle enforcement programInnovative technology deployment: development of a virtual screening facility pilot project for Connecticut’s commercial vehicle enforcement program – by the CT Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE), 2017

Pedestrian traffic fatalities by state – annual report by the Governors Highway Safety Association

Performance audit compliance report: Dept. of Motor Vehicles background check process for student transportation employeesPerformance audit compliance report: Dept. of Motor Vehicles background check process for student transportation employees – by the Auditors of Public Accounts, 2021

Report card for Connecticut’s infrastructureReport card for Connecticut’s infrastructure – by the American Society of Civil Engineers, 2022

Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) – periodic report by the CT Dept. of Transportation

Strategies for improving transportation project delivery performanceStrategies for improving transportation project delivery performance – by the CT Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE), 2016

Sustainability strategies to minimize the carbon footprint for Connecticut bus operationsSustainability strategies to minimize the carbon footprint for Connecticut bus operations – by the CT Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE), 2018

Tolling U.S. highways and bridgesTolling U.S. highways and bridges – by the Congressional Research Service, 2017

Transportation governance and finance: a 50-state review of state legislatures and departments of transportationTransportation governance and finance: a 50-state review of state legislatures and departments of transportation – by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), 2016

Transportation infrastructure five-year capital plan – annual report by the CT Dept. of Transportation