Commerce Other resources in the library’s collection

Advanced Manufacturing Technology Centers – annual report by the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities

Connecticut’s broken cities: laying the conditions for growth in poor urban communitiesConnecticut’s broken cities: laying the conditions for growth in poor urban communities – by Stephen D. Eide; published by the Yankee Institute for Public Policy, 2017

Connecticut’s economic action planConnecticut’s economic action plan – by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development, 2021

The contributions of new Americans in ConnecticutThe contributions of new Americans in Connecticut – by the Partnership for a New American Economy, 2016

Distressed municipalities – periodic report by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development

Economic impact of Connecticut’s digital media and motion picture tax credit, digital animation production company tax credit and the infrastructure tax creditEconomic impact of Connecticut’s digital media and motion picture tax credit, digital animation production company tax credit and the infrastructure tax credit – published by the Office of Film, Television, and Digital Media, 2022

The economic impact of travel in Connecticut – periodic report by Tourism Economics; published by DECD’s Office of Tourism

Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine annual report to Connecticut Innovations

Opportunities for growth: business tax advantages, economic strengths, and quality of life perceptions in ConnecticutOpportunities for growth: business tax advantages, economic strengths, and quality of life perceptions in Connecticut – published by the Center for Public Policy and Social Research at CCSU and the Connecticut AFL-CIO, 2017

Performance audit compliance report: part 2 of Auditors’ evaluation of the revised Dept. of Economic and Community Development 2017 annual reportPerformance audit compliance report: part 2 of Auditors’ evaluation of the revised Dept. of Economic and Community Development 2017 annual report – by the Auditors of Public Accounts, 2022

Promoting the adoption of sector strategies by workforce development boards under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity ActPromoting the adoption of sector strategies by workforce development boards under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act – by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2017

Ranking the states by fiscal condition – annual report by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University

State bioscience industry report – biennial report by the Biotechnology Industry Organization

State business tax climate index – annual report by the Tax Foundation

The state of working Connecticut – annual report by Connecticut Voices for Children

Survey of Connecticut manufacturing workforce needs – periodic report by the Connecticut Business and Industry Association

Survey of Connecticut small businesses – periodic report by the Connecticut Business and Industry Association

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) unified state plan 2016-2020Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) unified state plan 2016-2020 – by the Dept. of Labor’s Office of Workforce Competitiveness

Commerce Mandated reports

Please note this is not an exhaustive list. Contact the library for these and other reports.

Angel tax credit program – annual report by Connecticut Innovations; pursuant to CGS 12-704d(g)

Assessment of Connecticut’s entrepreneurial ecosystem – biennial report published by CTNext; pursuant to CGS 32-39q(b)

Bioscience marketing planBioscience marketing plan – published by CT Innovations; pursuant to PA 19-21

Capital Region Development Authority annual report – pursuant to CGS 32-605

Certified aerospace manufacturing projects – triennial report by DECD; pursuant to CGS 32-4n(g)(2)

Connecticut Bioscience Innovation Fund annual report – by Connecticut Innovations, Inc.; pursuant to CGS 32-41cc(k)

Community Economic Development fund annual report – pursuant to CGS 8-240n

Community Investment Fund 2030 annual report – by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development’s Community Investment Fund 2030 Board; pursuant to CGS 32-285a(c)(6)

Compensation benchmarking and performance auditCompensation benchmarking and performance audit – by TEConomy Partners LLC, published by Connecticut Innovations; pursuant to PA 16-3 s.14 May (see also CII responseresponse)

Connecticut Bioscience Innovation Fund annual report – by Connecticut Innovations; pursuant to CGS 32-41cc(k)

Connecticut Employment and Training Commission annual report – pursuant to CGS 31-3h(c)

Connecticut Green Bank annual report – pursuant to CGS 16-245n(f)

Connecticut Health Data Collaborative status reportstatus report – pursuant to SA 16-20

Connecticut Innovations annual report – pursuant to CGS 1-123

Connecticut Port Authority annual financial report – pursuant to CGS 1-123(a)

Connecticut Port Authority annual activities summary, operating and financial statements, and legislation recommendations – pursuant to CGS 15-31a(k)

Connecticut Port Authority annual projects and recommendations report – pursuant to CGS 15-31a(o)

Connecticut Technical High School System strategic plan annual report – pursuant to CGS 10-95h(b)(2)

CTNext Fund annual report of activities (five-year outlook) – pursuant to CGS 32-39i(i)

Department functions that may be made more efficient or cost-effective by blockchain technologyDepartment functions that may be made more efficient or cost-effective by blockchain technology – by the Dept. of Administrative Services; pursuant to SA 21-25 s.1

Dept. of Economic and Community Development annual reports evaluation – periodic report by the Auditors of Public Accounts; pursuant to CGS 2-90c

Dept. of Economic and Community Development and the technical high school system – annual report by DECD pursuant to CGS 10-95h(b)(3)

Dept. of Economic and Community Development annual report – pursuant to CGS 32-1m

Eastern Connecticut’s job losses and workforce needsEastern Connecticut’s job losses and workforce needs – by DECD; pursuant to SA 16-12

Economic cluster bond funds report – annual report by Connecticut Innovations; pursuant to CGS 32-4h

Economic barriers and solutions to opening early childhood centers, group child care homes, and family child care homes in ConnecticutEconomic barriers and solutions to opening early childhood centers, group child care homes, and family child care homes in Connecticut – by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to SA 22-5

Economic development issues affecting distressed municipalities and opportunity zonesEconomic development issues affecting distressed municipalities and opportunity zones – by DECD; pursuant to SA 21-28 s.1

Economic report of the governor – annual report pursuant to CGS 4-74a

Expansion of the state’s electronic business portal (business one stop report)Expansion of the state’s electronic business portal (business one stop report) – by the Dept. of Administrative Services; pursuant to SA 18-17

Financial assistance annual report – by Connecticut Innovations; pursuant to CGS 32-47a(c)

First Five Plus Program report – semiannual report by DECD; pursuant to CGS 32-4l

Food insecurity strategic planFood insecurity strategic plan – by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to PA 23-204 s.158

Guide to evaluating state bioscience investmentsGuide to evaluating state bioscience investments – by TEConomy Partners LLC, published by Connecticut Innovations; pursuant to SA 17-2

Historic Properties Protection and Preservation Working Group final reportHistoric Properties Protection and Preservation Working Group final report – pursuant to SA 21-13

Historic rehabilitation tax credit report – annual report by DECD; pursuant to CGS 10-416c(j)

Innovation places annual report – by CTNext; pursuant to CGS 32-39m(a)(2)(E)

Manufacturing Innovation Fund annual report – by DECD; pursuant to CGS 32-7o(n)

Manufacturing Technology Working Group final reportManufacturing Technology Working Group final report – pursuant to SA 21-24 s.1(g)

The need for a permanent program to authorize amusement establishments in the state to employ persons who are fifteen years of age or older in nonhazardous positionsThe need for a permanent program to authorize amusement establishments in the state to employ persons who are fifteen years of age or older in nonhazardous positions – by the Dept. of Labor; pursuant to PA 23-183 s.3

Office of Film, Television and Digital Media annual tax credit report – by DECD’s Office of Film, Television and Digital Media; pursuant to CGS 32-1p

Opportunity zone financial incentivesOpportunity zone financial incentives – by DECD; pursuant to PA 21-188 s.5

Opportunity Zones reportOpportunity Zones report – by DECD; pursuant to PA 18-49 s.21

Persons with disabilities workforce planPersons with disabilities workforce plan – by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to SA 21-10

Plan to support the state’s remote work economyPlan to support the state’s remote work economy – by DECD; pursuant to SA 21-25 s.2

Public-Private Marketing Working Group reportPublic-Private Marketing Working Group report – pursuant to SA 17-18

Regional economic development pilot program report – annual report by DECD; pursuant to CGS 32-7r

Small Business Express program report – annual report by DECD; pursuant to CGS 32-7g

Small Business Hotline reportSmall Business Hotline report – by DECD; pursuant to PA 17-158 s.2

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program annual report – by DECD; pursuant to CGS 32-537

Sports Advisory Council annual report – pursuant to CGS 10-425

Statewide marketing plan – annual report by CTNext; pursuant to CGS 32-39g(b)(6)

Strategic plan for the bioscience sector in ConnecticutStrategic plan for the bioscience sector in Connecticut – by Connecticut Innovations; pursuant to SA 18-23

A study regarding extending research and development tax credits to pass-through entitiesA study regarding extending research and development tax credits to pass-through entities – by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to PA 22-50 s.5

Technology Talent Advisory Committee reportTechnology Talent Advisory Committee report – pursuant to PA 16-3 s.23 May

Tourism strategic marketing plan – biennial report by DECD’s Office of Tourism; pursuant to CGS 10-392(b)(8)

Transfer Act Working Group reportTransfer Act Working Group report – pursuant to PA 19-75 s.3(d)

Unused R&D tax credit legislative recommendationsUnused R&D tax credit legislative recommendations – by DECD; pursuant to SA 16-21

Vocational Village program – annual report by the Dept. of Correction; pursuant to CGS 18-90d

Commerce Reference works

The Beige Book – economic conditions report eight times a year by the Federal Reserve

Connecticut Business Directory – from American Directory Publishing Co. At the Connecticut State Library.

Connecticut Manufacturers Register – from Manufacturers’ News Inc. At the Connecticut State Library.

Economic Report of the President – annual report by the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers

Hartford Business Journal annual Book of Lists – information on businesses in the Hartford area

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) – from the Census Bureau. These codes are used to classify businesses for the purpose of economic data reporting and analysis.

Commerce Databases

ABI/INFORM Collection (the database is under “Business and Law” on the linked page) – from ProQuest. Includes business journals, trade publications, dissertations, conference proceedings, and market reports. Free access from your desk, or off-campus with a Connecticut public library card.

Aerospace and Defense Manufacturing Database – from Forecast International. Includes data on production, sales, employment, and more.

Data Axle Reference Solutions (formerly ReferenceUSA) – includes information on millions of U.S. companies. Searchable by business name, executive name, industry type, location, and more. Access from anywhere with a Connecticut State Library card.

GuideStar Premium – information on nonprofit organizations. Access at the Connecticut State Library.

Social Science Database – from ProQuest: “Social Science Database offers indexing and full text for hundreds of academic journals, providing extensive coverage across a wide range of social science disciplines including anthropology, communication, criminology, economics, education, political science, psychology, social work, and sociology.” Access from anywhere with a Connecticut State Library card.

Taxation & Economic Reform in America Part I & II, 1781-2011 – from HeinOnline. Includes federal legislative histories, Congressional Research Service reports, and more. Access from anywhere with a Connecticut State Library card.

Commerce Periodicals

CASE Bulletin – Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering; electronic subscription.

CBIA News – CT Business and Industry Association; print subscription.

CT Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media – Dept. of Labor; electronic subscription.

CT Economic Digest – Dept. of Labor and Dept. of Economic and Community Development; electronic and print subscription.

CT Local Area Unemployment Statistics – Dept. of Labor; electronic subscription.

CT Labor Market Information At-A-Glance – Dept. of Labor; electronic subscription.

CT Labor Situation – Dept. of Labor; electronic subscription.

Economic Policy Review – Federal Reserve Bank of New York; electronic subscription.

Employment Research Newsletter – W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research; electronic subscription.

Hartford Business Journal – New England Business Media; print subscription with website access.

New England Economic Indicators – Federal Reserve Bank of Boston; electronic subscription.

Commerce Finding OLR Reports and more in the vertical files: index headings

For OLR Reports and other materials related to the Commerce Committee’s work, index headings include:

CT Development Authority
CT Innovations Inc.
Economic Development
Eminent Domain
Enterprise Zones
Information Systems and Data Processing
Information Technology-Internet
Job Development
Labor Supply
Land-Acquisition and Development Rights
Land Use
Non-Profit Organizations
Planning and Zoning
Retail Trade
Ships and Shipping
Small Business
Sports-Stadium Issues
Urban Development

The library assigns topical index headings to all OLR Reports and keeps hard copies of the reports organized by these index headings. Reports from 1994 to the present are in the library’s file cabinets (aka the “vertical files”) in the red-tabbed folders, as well as online in full text. Older reports are in two sets of bound volumes (one set for the 1970s, and one for 1980-1993) on the library’s shelves.

The same index headings the library uses for OLR Reports have been used to organize over 600 subject files of materials such as newspaper clippings, court decisions, press releases, pamphlets, and other resources that would be more difficult to locate if they were dispersed throughout the library’s general collection. The subject files are in the blue-tabbed folders in the file cabinets. (Many of the items in these folders have also been digitized by the library, and their electronic versions can be found in the library’s intranet catalog.)

Commerce Recent OLR Reports

The Office of Legislative Research writes nonpartisan reports for legislators on various topics. Recent reports related to the Commerce Committee’s subject areas include:

Massachusetts’s Global Entrepreneur in Residence Program – 2023-R-0272

Small Business Express Program and Connecticut Small Business Fund – 2023-R-0016

Tax Incentives for Businesses Employing People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities – 2023-R-0237

Guide to Connecticut Business Tax Credits – 2023-R-0215

2023 Acts Affecting Business and Jobs – 2023-R-0119

Public Investment Communities – 2023-R-0020

Live Theater Tax Credits – 2023-R-0022

OLR Backgrounder: Capital Region Development Authority – 2022-R-0203

Acts Affecting Business and Jobs – 2022-R-0117

Issue Brief: Connecticut COVID-19 Migration Trends – 2021-R-0093