Labor Mandated reports

Please note this is not an exhaustive list. Contact the library for these and other reports.

Connecticut Employment and Training Commission legislative report card – annual report pursuant to CGS 31-3yy

Connecticut industry sectors and workforce needsConnecticut industry sectors and workforce needs – by the Dept. of Labor; pursuant to PA 18-178 s.45(b)(2)

Connecticut Low Wage Employer Advisory Board annual report – pursuant to CGS 31-76n(d)

Connecticut Manufacturing Committee program report – annual report published by the Dept. of Education; pursuant to CGS 10-21j(c)

Connecticut Paid Leave Authority annual report – pursuant to CGS 31-49t

Connecticut State Employees Retirement System actuarial valuation – annual report published by the Office of the State Comptroller; pursuant to CGS 5-156a(a)

COVID-19 workers’ compensation claims – monthly report by the Workers’ Compensation Commission; pursuant to Lamont EO 7JJJ

Data breaches and false unemployment claims suffered by the Labor DepartmentData breaches and false unemployment claims suffered by the Labor Department – by the Dept. of Labor; pursuant to SA 23-3

Disciplinary reports, inmate assaults, workers’ compensation claims, and inmate population density for each correctional facility – quarterly report by the Dept. of Correction; pursuant to CGS 18-81t

Economic trends – annual report by the Dept. of Labor; pursuant to CGS 10-95h

The need for a permanent program to authorize amusement establishments in the state to employ persons who are fifteen years of age or older in nonhazardous positionsThe need for a permanent program to authorize amusement establishments in the state to employ persons who are fifteen years of age or older in nonhazardous positions – by the Dept. of Labor; pursuant to PA 23-183 s.3

Optimal methods for obtaining information related to employees receiving gratuitiesOptimal methods for obtaining information related to employees receiving gratuities – by the Dept. of Labor; pursuant to PA 19-4 s.3

Paraeducator Healthcare Work Group studyParaeducator Healthcare Work Group study – published by Access Health CT; pursuant to PA 23-204 s.206

State agency hiring practices – by the Dept. of Administrative Services; pursuant to SA 23-19

State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition (SEBAC) savings – annual report by the State Comptroller; pursuant to CGS 3-117b

State Marshal Commission healthcare studyState Marshal Commission healthcare study – by the State Marshal Commission; pursuant to SA 23-6

Subsidized Training and Employment (Step Up) Program – semiannual report by the Dept. of Labor; pursuant to CGS 31-3pp(f)

Task Force to Study Cancer Relief Benefits for Firefighters recommendationsTask Force to Study Cancer Relief Benefits for Firefighters recommendations – pursuant to SA 21-35

Toolkit for success: planning, retaining, and diversifying a 21st century state workforceToolkit for success: planning, retaining, and diversifying a 21st century state workforce – by the Task Force to Study the State Workforce and Retiring Employees; pursuant to PA 21-2 s.189 June

Uncollectible cancelled unemployment claims – annual report by the Dept. of Labor; pursuant to CGS 31-273

Unemployed Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and Employment (Step Up) Program – semiannual report by the Dept. of Labor; pursuant to CGS 31-3uu(d)

Unemployment compensation experience ratesUnemployment compensation experience rates – by the Dept. of Labor; pursuant to SA 22-13