Commerce Mandated reports

Please note this is not an exhaustive list. Contact the library for these and other reports.

Angel tax credit program – annual report by Connecticut Innovations; pursuant to CGS 12-704d(g)

Assessment of Connecticut’s entrepreneurial ecosystem – biennial report published by CTNext; pursuant to CGS 32-39q(b)

Bioscience marketing planBioscience marketing plan – published by CT Innovations; pursuant to PA 19-21

Capital Region Development Authority annual report – pursuant to CGS 32-605

Certified aerospace manufacturing projects – triennial report by DECD; pursuant to CGS 32-4n(g)(2)

Connecticut Bioscience Innovation Fund annual report – by Connecticut Innovations, Inc.; pursuant to CGS 32-41cc(k)

Community Economic Development fund annual report – pursuant to CGS 8-240n

Community Investment Fund 2030 annual report – by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development’s Community Investment Fund 2030 Board; pursuant to CGS 32-285a(c)(6)

Compensation benchmarking and performance auditCompensation benchmarking and performance audit – by TEConomy Partners LLC, published by Connecticut Innovations; pursuant to PA 16-3 s.14 May (see also CII responseresponse)

Connecticut Bioscience Innovation Fund annual report – by Connecticut Innovations; pursuant to CGS 32-41cc(k)

Connecticut Employment and Training Commission annual report – pursuant to CGS 31-3h(c)

Connecticut Green Bank annual report – pursuant to CGS 16-245n(f)

Connecticut Health Data Collaborative status reportstatus report – pursuant to SA 16-20

Connecticut Innovations annual report – pursuant to CGS 1-123

Connecticut Port Authority annual financial report – pursuant to CGS 1-123(a)

Connecticut Port Authority annual activities summary, operating and financial statements, and legislation recommendations – pursuant to CGS 15-31a(k)

Connecticut Port Authority annual projects and recommendations report – pursuant to CGS 15-31a(o)

Connecticut Technical High School System strategic plan annual report – pursuant to CGS 10-95h(b)(2)

CTNext Fund annual report of activities (five-year outlook) – pursuant to CGS 32-39i(i)

Department functions that may be made more efficient or cost-effective by blockchain technologyDepartment functions that may be made more efficient or cost-effective by blockchain technology – by the Dept. of Administrative Services; pursuant to SA 21-25 s.1

Dept. of Economic and Community Development annual reports evaluation – periodic report by the Auditors of Public Accounts; pursuant to CGS 2-90c

Dept. of Economic and Community Development and the technical high school system – annual report by DECD pursuant to CGS 10-95h(b)(3)

Dept. of Economic and Community Development annual report – pursuant to CGS 32-1m

Eastern Connecticut’s job losses and workforce needsEastern Connecticut’s job losses and workforce needs – by DECD; pursuant to SA 16-12

Economic cluster bond funds report – annual report by Connecticut Innovations; pursuant to CGS 32-4h

Economic barriers and solutions to opening early childhood centers, group child care homes, and family child care homes in ConnecticutEconomic barriers and solutions to opening early childhood centers, group child care homes, and family child care homes in Connecticut – by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to SA 22-5

Economic development issues affecting distressed municipalities and opportunity zonesEconomic development issues affecting distressed municipalities and opportunity zones – by DECD; pursuant to SA 21-28 s.1

Economic report of the governor – annual report pursuant to CGS 4-74a

Expansion of the state’s electronic business portal (business one stop report)Expansion of the state’s electronic business portal (business one stop report) – by the Dept. of Administrative Services; pursuant to SA 18-17

Financial assistance annual report – by Connecticut Innovations; pursuant to CGS 32-47a(c)

First Five Plus Program report – semiannual report by DECD; pursuant to CGS 32-4l

Food insecurity strategic planFood insecurity strategic plan – by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to PA 23-204 s.158

Guide to evaluating state bioscience investmentsGuide to evaluating state bioscience investments – by TEConomy Partners LLC, published by Connecticut Innovations; pursuant to SA 17-2

Historic Properties Protection and Preservation Working Group final reportHistoric Properties Protection and Preservation Working Group final report – pursuant to SA 21-13

Historic rehabilitation tax credit report – annual report by DECD; pursuant to CGS 10-416c(j)

Innovation places annual report – by CTNext; pursuant to CGS 32-39m(a)(2)(E)

Manufacturing Innovation Fund annual report – by DECD; pursuant to CGS 32-7o(n)

Manufacturing Technology Working Group final reportManufacturing Technology Working Group final report – pursuant to SA 21-24 s.1(g)

The need for a permanent program to authorize amusement establishments in the state to employ persons who are fifteen years of age or older in nonhazardous positionsThe need for a permanent program to authorize amusement establishments in the state to employ persons who are fifteen years of age or older in nonhazardous positions – by the Dept. of Labor; pursuant to PA 23-183 s.3

Office of Film, Television and Digital Media annual tax credit report – by DECD’s Office of Film, Television and Digital Media; pursuant to CGS 32-1p

Opportunity zone financial incentivesOpportunity zone financial incentives – by DECD; pursuant to PA 21-188 s.5

Opportunity Zones reportOpportunity Zones report – by DECD; pursuant to PA 18-49 s.21

Persons with disabilities workforce planPersons with disabilities workforce plan – by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to SA 21-10

Plan to support the state’s remote work economyPlan to support the state’s remote work economy – by DECD; pursuant to SA 21-25 s.2

Public-Private Marketing Working Group reportPublic-Private Marketing Working Group report – pursuant to SA 17-18

Regional economic development pilot program report – annual report by DECD; pursuant to CGS 32-7r

Small Business Express program report – annual report by DECD; pursuant to CGS 32-7g

Small Business Hotline reportSmall Business Hotline report – by DECD; pursuant to PA 17-158 s.2

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program annual report – by DECD; pursuant to CGS 32-537

Sports Advisory Council annual report – pursuant to CGS 10-425

Statewide marketing plan – annual report by CTNext; pursuant to CGS 32-39g(b)(6)

Strategic plan for the bioscience sector in ConnecticutStrategic plan for the bioscience sector in Connecticut – by Connecticut Innovations; pursuant to SA 18-23

A study regarding extending research and development tax credits to pass-through entitiesA study regarding extending research and development tax credits to pass-through entities – by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to PA 22-50 s.5

Technology Talent Advisory Committee reportTechnology Talent Advisory Committee report – pursuant to PA 16-3 s.23 May

Tourism strategic marketing plan – biennial report by DECD’s Office of Tourism; pursuant to CGS 10-392(b)(8)

Transfer Act Working Group reportTransfer Act Working Group report – pursuant to PA 19-75 s.3(d)

Unused R&D tax credit legislative recommendationsUnused R&D tax credit legislative recommendations – by DECD; pursuant to SA 16-21

Vocational Village program – annual report by the Dept. of Correction; pursuant to CGS 18-90d