
state agencies

Connecticut Head Start Collaborative Office

Connecticut State Department of Education

Connecticut Office of Early Childhood


state boards, commissions, and task forces

Connecticut Commission for Educational Technology

Connecticut Early Childhood Cabinet

Connecticut Teachers’ Retirement Board

Interagency Council for Ending the Achievement Gap

Minority Teacher Recruitment Task Force

School Building Projects Advisory Council

State Education Resources Center Board of Directors


federal government

U.S. Department of Education

National Center for Education Statistics

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention


National Conference of State Legislatures


Early Care and Education

State Role in Education Finance


other organizations

Center on Education Policy

Connecticut Coalition for Advocacy Now (ConnCAN)

Education Commission of the States

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

National Education Policy Center Part of the University of Colorado, produces peer-reviewed publications focused on education


other online resources

School Law – a research guide by the CT Judicial Branch’s law librarians