2020 Issues Conference: A Look Back at 2020 in State Government research guide


Connecticut government: legislative branch

Office of Legislative Research (OLR) Reports

  • COVID-19 Special Reports

  • 2020-R-0109, COVID-19 Executive Orders Affecting Business, Labor, and Housing

  • 2020-R-0110, COVID-19 Executive Orders Affecting Health and Human Services

  • 2020-R-0111, COVID-19 Executive Orders Affecting Education and Child Care

  • 2020-R-0112, COVID-19 Executive Orders Affecting State and Local Government Operations and Elections

  • 2020-R-0131, Governor’s Executive Order Authority. Covers “(1) by what authority the governor can issue executive orders and whether there are any limitations on their subject matter, (2) how courts determine whether an executive order violates the constitutional separation of powers doctrine, and (3) if, and under what circumstances, orders have been issued to amend statutory law.”

  • 2010-R-0139, Changes to Executive Orders. Covers “whether a former governor’s executive orders remain in effect in a new administration and whether governors typically review and repeal or amend existing executive orders soon after taking office.”

Office of Fiscal Analysis (OFA)

Public Health Emergency Committee

Legislative sessions in 2020


Connecticut government: executive branch


CT COVID-19 Response

CT COVID-19 Data Resources

Office of Policy and Management (OPM) Coronavirus Relief Fund

Dept. of Economic and Community Development (DECD) current Sector Rules


Connecticut government: judicial branch

COVID-19 information


Federal government

Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) declaration of public health emergency – Jan. 31, 2020, retroactive to Jan. 27, 2020; renewed on April 21, July 23, and Oct. 2, 2020


  • PL 116-123, Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act

  • PL 116-127, Families First Coronavirus Response Act

  • PL 116-136, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act

  • PL 116-139, Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act

  • PL 116-142, Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020

Congressional Research Service (CRS) COVID-19 resources

Congressional Budget Office (CBO) COVID-19 publications

Government Accountability Office (GAO) COVID-19 reports


Other resources

National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)

National Governors Association (NGA)

Council of State Governments (CSG)

National Association of State Treasurers (NAST)

National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers (NASACT)