Finance Recent OLR Reports

The Office of Legislative Research writes nonpartisan reports for legislators on various topics. Recent reports related to the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee’s subject areas include:

2024 Acts Affecting Taxes – 2024-R-0086

Comparing R&D Tax Credits and Incentives in Select States – 2024-R-0032

OLR Backgrounder: Connecticut’s Volatility Cap and Budget Reserve Fund – 2024-R-0019

State Fiscal Controls – 2023-R-0299

Luxury Tax and Electric Vehicles – 2023-R-0259

MRSA and MRSF – 2023-R-0189

Massachusetts’ Income Surtax – 2023-R-0223

History of Pilot Program Reimbursement Rates – 2023-R-0190

Comparison of State Income Taxes in Select States – 2023-R-0180

2023 Acts Affecting Taxes – 2023-R-0145