About the

The Legislative Library provides nonpartisan research assistance to Connecticut’s legislators and the legislative staff. The library is part of the Office of Legislative Research.
Our collection includes:
– current and historical statutes, public and special acts, file copies, House and Senate journals, and legislative histories
– case law
– online access to and print copies of newspapers, magazines, academic journals, and law reviews
– treatises and other reference works
– legislatively mandated reports
– a unique collection of research reports written by the Office of Legislative Research
– library-created databases, including databases of legislatively mandated reports and legislative leadership appointments to boards and task forces
The intranet catalogcatalog makes the full text of thousands of items accessible from your desk within the Capitol or Legislative Office Building.
We offer research training upon request to individuals or groups, and arrange for training from organizations such as Westlaw and the Census Bureau.
Legislative Library staff:
Jennifer Bernier, co-head librarian
Carrie Lisitano, co-head librarian
Christine McCluskey, librarian
Roka Reid, library aide