Banking research guide

  • Table of contents
  • Recent OLR Reports

The Office of Legislative Research writes nonpartisan reports for legislators on various topics. Recent reports related to the Banking Committee’s subject areas include:

2024 Acts Affecting Banking – 2024-R-0099

2024 Major Issues – 2024-R-0002

First-Time Homebuyer Savings Accounts – 2023-R-0209

State Infrastructure Banks – 2023-R-0217

Gift Card Cash Back Laws – 2023-R-0195

2023 Acts Affecting Banking – 2023-R-0121

Judgment of Loss Mitigation – 2022-R-0282

Issue Brief: Foreclosure Mediation Program – 2022-R-0263

Legislative Changes to the Foreclosure Mediation Program – 2022-R-0262

Acts Affecting Banking – 2022-R-0088

Connecticut Abusive Home Loan Lending Practices Act (CGS § 36a-746 et seq.) and Nonprime Lending Statutes (CGS § 36a-760 et seq.) – 2021-R-0170

Private Mortgage Insurance – 2021-R-0159

  • Websites

State agencies

Dept. of Banking, including the Financial Institutions Division


State boards, commissions, and task forces

Working Group on Expedited Foreclosures for Abandoned Properties

Reverse Mortgage Task Force


Federal government

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston – covers all of Connecticut except Fairfield County

Federal Reserve Bank of New York – covers Fairfield County

National Credit Union Administration

Securities and Exchange Commission


Other organizations

American Bankers Association

American Financial Services Association

National Bureau of Economic Research


Other online resources

Consumer collection practices – from the CT Dept. of Banking

Connecticut law about debt collection – research guide by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

Connecticut law about foreclosure – research guide by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

Connecticut law about foreclosure mediation – research guide by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

Debt collection practices – from the Connecticut Network for Legal Aid

Foreclosure guide for homeowners – from the Connecticut Fair Housing Center

Mortgage performance trends – delinquency rate data from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

  • Periodicals

Economic Policy Review – Federal Reserve Bank of New York; electronic subscription.

Federal Reserve Bulletin – Federal Reserve Board

New England Economic Indicators – Federal Reserve Bank of Boston; electronic subscription.

Review of Banking and Financial Law – Boston University School of Law

Securities Bulletin – CT Dept. of Banking

  • Databases

History of Bankruptcy: Taxation & Economic Reform in America Part III – from HeinOnline: “includes legislative histories, treatises, documents and more related to bankruptcy law in America. It also includes classic books dating back to the late 1800s and links to scholarly articles that are related to the study of bankruptcy in America.” Access from anywhere with a Connecticut State Library card.

NCSL Student Loan Bill Tracking Database – from the National Conference of State Legislatures. Tracks legislation from 2015-present.

  • Mandated reports

Please note this is not an exhaustive list. Contact the library for these and other reports.

Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) Loss Mitigation Task Force final reportConnecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) Loss Mitigation Task Force final report – pursuant to PA 11-201 s.5

Dept. of Banking annual report of discretionary actions taken – pursuant to CGS 36a-251a

Foreclosure mediation program – periodic report by the CT Judicial Branch Office of the Chief Court Administrator; pursuant to CGS 49-31n(d)

Interest on Real Estate Brokers Trust Account (IOREBTA) Program annual report – by the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA); pursuant to CGS 8-265g

Post-Secondary Education Financing Working Group findings and recommendationsPost-Secondary Education Financing Working Group findings and recommendations – pursuant to PA 21-62 s.2

Reverse Mortgage Task Force recommendationsReverse Mortgage Task Force recommendations – pursuant to PA 14-89 s.51

Student loan ombudsman annual report – by the Dept. of Banking; pursuant to CGS 36a-25(d)

  • Finding OLR Reports and more in the vertical files: index headings

For OLR Reports and other materials related to the Banking Committee’s work, index headings include:

Banks – Interstate
Bank Holding Companies
Consumer Credit
Credit Unions
Savings Institutions

The library assigns topical index headings to all OLR Reports and keeps hard copies of the reports organized by these index headings. Reports from 1994 to the present are in the library’s file cabinets (aka the “vertical files”) in the red-tabbed folders, as well as online in full text. Older reports are in two sets of bound volumes (one set for the 1970s, and one for 1980-1993) on the library’s shelves.

The same index headings the library uses for OLR Reports have been used to organize over 600 subject files of materials such as newspaper clippings, court decisions, press releases, pamphlets, and other resources that would be more difficult to locate if they were dispersed throughout the library’s general collection. The subject files are in the blue-tabbed folders in the file cabinets. (Many of the items in these folders have also been digitized by the library, and their electronic versions can be found in the library’s intranet catalog.)

  • Reference works

Connecticut Foreclosures: An Attorney’s Manual of Practice and Procedure, 8th ed. – by Denis R. Caron and Geoffrey K. Milne, 2020

Encyclopedia of Banking and Finance, 9th ed. – Bankers Publishing Company, 1991

Foreclosure of Mortgages in Connecticut – research guide by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

Post-Judgement Proceedings in Connecticut Mortgage Foreclosures – research guide by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

Pre-Judgement Proceedings in Connecticut Mortgage Foreclosures – research guide by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

  • Call number ranges

For the past several years, almost all newly published items added to the library’s collection have been in electronic format only. These items are accessible in full text through the library’s intranet catalog. Many old print materials have also been digitized and uploaded to the library’s catalog.

To get a general sense of a subject’s history, however, you may find it useful to browse the library stacks in certain locations to see print copies of older publications (and the occasional newer item that was published both electronically and in print). For publications related to banking, call number ranges include, but are not limited to:

332.1 banks and banking

Hard copies of mandated reports that were produced only once or as a limited series are shelved by the number of the act that required the report. Hard copies of mandated reports produced regularly with no set end date (for example, state agencies’ annual reports) are shelved in the stacks by subject.

  • Other resources in the library’s collection

The New England financial services industry: around the corner and around the worldThe New England financial services industry: around the corner and around the world – by the New England Council, 2017

Congressional Research Service reports:

            Tailoring bank regulations: differences in bank size, activities, and capital levelsTailoring bank regulations: differences in bank size, activities, and capital levels – 2017

            Introduction to financial services: the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)Introduction to financial services: the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) – 2017

            Bitcoin: questions, answers, and analysis of legal issuesBitcoin: questions, answers, and analysis of legal issues – 2015

            Preserving homeownership: foreclosure prevention initiativesPreserving homeownership: foreclosure prevention initiatives – 2015

            Who regulates whom and how? An overview of U.S. financial regulatory policy for banking and securities marketsWho regulates whom and how? An overview of U.S. financial regulatory policy for banking and securities markets – 2015

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