Finance research guide

  • Table of contents
  • Recent OLR Reports

The Office of Legislative Research writes nonpartisan reports for legislators on various topics. Recent reports related to the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee’s subject areas include:

2024 Acts Affecting Taxes – 2024-R-0086

Comparing R&D Tax Credits and Incentives in Select States – 2024-R-0032

OLR Backgrounder: Connecticut’s Volatility Cap and Budget Reserve Fund – 2024-R-0019

State Fiscal Controls – 2023-R-0299

Luxury Tax and Electric Vehicles – 2023-R-0259

MRSA and MRSF – 2023-R-0189

Massachusetts’ Income Surtax – 2023-R-0223

History of Pilot Program Reimbursement Rates – 2023-R-0190

Comparison of State Income Taxes in Select States – 2023-R-0180

2023 Acts Affecting Taxes – 2023-R-0145

  • Websites
  • Periodicals

CBIA News – CT Business and Industry Association; print subscription.

Economic Policy Review – Federal Reserve Bank of New York; electronic subscription.

New England Economic Indicators – Federal Reserve Bank of Boston; electronic subscription.

State Policy Reports – Federal Funds Information for States; electronic subscription.

State Tax Notes – Tax Analysts; electronic and print subscription.

  • Databases

ABI/INFORM Collection (the database is under “Business and Law” on the linked page) – from ProQuest. Includes business journals, trade publications, dissertations, conference proceedings, and market reports. Free access from your desk, or off-campus with a Connecticut public library card.

CCH AnswerConnect/Smart Charts – federal and 50-state tax information. Legislative Library subscription; see librarian.

CT Bond Allocation Database – from the Office of the State Comptroller.

Federal Funds Information for States (FFIS)“helps states manage their federal funds by analyzing the impact of federal actions on states—be it sequestration, budget enactment, new legislative proposals, or potential government shutdowns.” See librarian.

GuideStar Premium – information on nonprofit organizations. Access at the Connecticut State Library.

NCSL Economic Mobility Enacted Legislation Database – from the National Conference of State Legislatures. Tracks enacted legislation from 2020-present.

NCSL State Tax Actions Database – from the National Conference of State Legislatures and the Pew Charitable Trusts. Tracks state tax actions from 2015-present.

NCSL State Tax Incentive Evaluations Database – from the National Conference of State Legislatures and the Pew Charitable Trusts. Tracks state evaluations of tax incentives from 2008-present.

NCSL Transportation Funding and Finance Legislation Database – from the National Conference of State Legislatures. Tracks legislation from 2013-present.

Significant Features of the Property Tax – from the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy; includes data on the property tax in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Tax Foundation Archive Publications – from HeinOnline. Access from anywhere with a Connecticut State Library card.

Taxation & Economic Reform in America Part I & II, 1781-2011 – from HeinOnline. Includes federal legislative histories, Congressional Research Service reports, and more. Access from anywhere with a Connecticut State Library card.

  • Mandated reports

Please note this is not an exhaustive list. Contact the library for these and other reports.

Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Trust annual report – by the Office of the State Treasurer; pursuant to CGS 3-39k

Adjusted payments regarding Connecticut programs of tax relief for elderly homeowners and grants to elderly renters – annual report by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to CGS 12-170bb

Advance notification of municipal road work to gas, water and other utility companiesAdvance notification of municipal road work to gas, water and other utility companies – by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to PA 22-118 s.462

Ambulatory surgical centers tax (impact of the gross receipts tax on ambulatory surgical centers)Ambulatory surgical centers tax (impact of the gross receipts tax on ambulatory surgical centers) – by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to PA 16-3 (May) s.197

Angel tax credit program – annual report by CT Innovations Inc.; pursuant to CGS 12-704d(g)

Brainard Airport property study – published by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to CGS 32-9x (PA 22-118 s.426)

Certified aerospace manufacturing projects – triennial report by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to CGS 32-4n(g)(2)

Cliff Retirements Adding Efficiency, Accountability, and Technology to Economize State Government (CREATES) report – by the Boston Consulting Group; pursuant to PA 18-81 s.57
report   accompanying materials   project summary

Commission on Fiscal Stability and Economic Growth final reportCommission on Fiscal Stability and Economic Growth final report – pursuant to PA 17-2 (June) s.250

Compliance with the Railroad Tax Exemption Program – annual report by the Dept. of Transportation; pursuant to CGS 13b-230

Consensus revenue estimates – report three times a year by the Office of Policy and Management and Office of Fiscal Analysis; pursuant to CGS 2-36c

CT Pension Sustainability Commission final reportCT Pension Sustainability Commission final report – pursuant to PA 17-2 s.180 June

Dept. of Economic and Community Development annual report – pursuant to CGS 32-1m

Dept. of Economic and Community Development annual reports evaluation – periodic report by the Auditors of Public Accounts; pursuant to CGS 2-90c

Estimates of state formula aid to municipalities – annual report by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to CGS 4-71b

Fiscal accountability report – annual report by the Office of Fiscal Analysis; pursuant to CGS 2-36b

Fiscal accountability report – annual report by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to CGS 2-36b

Food insecurity strategic planFood insecurity strategic plan – by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to PA 23-204 s.158

Historic rehabilitation tax credit report – annual report by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to CGS 10-416c(j)

Interstate tax collection enforcementInterstate tax collection enforcement – by the Office of the Attorney General and Dept. of Revenue Services; pursuant to PA 22-117 s.34

Motor Vehicle Tax Task Force final reportMotor Vehicle Tax Task Force final report – pursuant to SA 23-24

Office of Film, Television & Digital Media annual activity report – by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to CGS 32-1p

Open space report to the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee and the State Bond Commission – monthly report by the Dept. of Energy and Environmental Protection; pursuant to CGS 22a-6v

Options for measuring municipal fiscal capacityOptions for measuring municipal fiscal capacity – by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to PA 19-117 s.367

Pilot program to allow for assessment of commercial property based on occupant’s net profits (alternative method of assessment for commercial properties) – annual report by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to CGS 12-63i(c)

Prototype model school building program reportPrototype model school building program report – by the School Building Projects Advisory Council; pursuant to PA 17-2 s.223 June

Recommendations for the prevention of cannabis use in youthRecommendations for the prevention of cannabis use in youth – published by the Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Services; pursuant to PA 21-1 s.65 June

Regional performance incentive program (RPI) annual report – by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to CGS 4-124s(e)

Regional Services Grant annual reports – by each regional council of government; pursuant to CGS 4-66r

State laws governing the sales and use tax, personal income tax, and corporation business taxState laws governing the sales and use tax, personal income tax, and corporation business tax – by the Dept. of Revenue Services; pursuant to SA 16-14 s.1

State-wide trends related to taxable property and exemptions from property tax on the grand list – annual report by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to CGS 12-120a

Status of the procurement of body scanning machines for use in correctional facilitiesStatus of the procurement of body scanning machines for use in correctional facilities – by the Dept. of Correction; pursuant to PA 23-12 s.2

Tax expenditure report – biennial report by the Office of Fiscal Analysis; pursuant to CGS 12-7b(e)

Tax incidence study – biennial report by the Dept. of Revenue Services; pursuant to CGS 12-7c

Unused R&D tax credit legislative recommendationsUnused R&D tax credit legislative recommendations – by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to SA 16-21

  • Finding OLR Reports and more in the vertical files: index headings

For OLR Reports and other materials related to the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee’s work, index headings include:

Cost of Living
Economic Development
Federal-State Relations
Home Rule
Motor Vehicles-Licenses
Motor Vehicles-Registration
Municipal Finance
Non-Profit Organizations
Revenue Services, Dept. of
Revenue Sharing
Social Enterprise Businesses
Special Districts
Special Revenue, Division on
Tax Exemptions
Tax Exemptions-Elderly
Tax Exemptions-Veterans
Taxes-(subtopic folders for Alcohol, Capital Gains, Cigarette, Commuter, Estate, Gasoline, Income, Property, Sales)
Trusts and Estates

The library assigns topical index headings to all OLR Reports and keeps hard copies of the reports organized by these index headings. Reports from 1994 to the present are in the library’s file cabinets (aka the “vertical files”) in the red-tabbed folders, as well as online in full text. Older reports are in two sets of bound volumes (one set for the 1970s, and one for 1980-1993) on the library’s shelves.

The same index headings the library uses for OLR Reports have been used to organize over 600 subject files of materials such as newspaper clippings, court decisions, press releases, pamphlets, and other resources that would be more difficult to locate if they were dispersed throughout the library’s general collection. The subject files are in the blue-tabbed folders in the file cabinets. (Many of the items in these folders have also been digitized by the library, and their electronic versions can be found in the library’s intranet catalog.)

  • Reference works

As Certain as Death: Quotations About Taxes – by Jeffrey L. Yablon, Tax Analysts, 2015

The Beige Book – economic conditions report eight times a year by the Federal Reserve

The Book of the States – by the Council of State Governments

The Encyclopedia of Taxation and Tax Policy – by Joseph J. Cordes, The Urban Institute Press, 1999

Guidebook to Connecticut Taxes 2016 – by Richard D. Pomp, CCH, 2015

McQuillin: The Law of Municipal Corporations – access through Westlaw.

Municipal Fiscal Indicators – annual report by the Office of Policy and Management

U.S. Master Property Tax Guide – Wolters Kluwer/CCH, 2014

West’s Tax Law Dictionary – access through Westlaw.

  • Call number ranges

For the past several years, almost all newly published items added to the library’s collection have been in electronic format only. These items are accessible in full text through the library’s intranet catalog. Many old print materials have also been digitized and uploaded to the library’s catalog.

To get a general sense of a subject’s history, however, you may find it useful to browse the library stacks in certain locations to see print copies of older publications (and the occasional newer item that was published both electronically and in print). For publications related to finance, revenue, and bonding, call number ranges include, but are not limited to:

333 economics of land and energy
336 public finance
351-354 public administration
362-363 social welfare problems and services
370 education
378 higher education
379 public policy issues in education

Hard copies of mandated reports that were produced only once or as a limited series are shelved by the number of the act that required the report. Hard copies of mandated reports produced regularly with no set end date (for example, state agencies’ annual reports) are shelved in the stacks by subject.

  • Other resources in the library’s collection

Bond authorizations available for allocation – annual report by the Office of Fiscal Analysis

By the Numbers briefs – series on state tax revenues by the Rockefeller Institute of Government

Connecticut municipal budget adoption experiences – annual report by the CT Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

Connecticut’s financial support to municipalitiesConnecticut’s financial support to municipalities – by the Office of Policy and Management, 2017

Economic impact of Connecticut’s digital media and motion picture tax credit, digital animation production company tax credit and the infrastructure tax creditEconomic impact of Connecticut’s digital media and motion picture tax credit, digital animation production company tax credit and the infrastructure tax credit – published by the Office of Film, Television, and Digital Media, 2022

Facts and figures: how does your state compare? – annual report by the Tax Foundation

Governor’s Transportation Finance Panel final report, 2016: reportreport, presentationpresentation, attachmentsattachments, tablestables

Measuring municipal fiscal disparities in Connecticut: a report to the Connecticut General Assembly’s Program Review and Investigations Committee – by Bo Zhao, New England Public Policy Center at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 2015: reportreport, presentationpresentation, tablestables

Projecting economic impacts of legalizing marijuana in ConnecticutProjecting economic impacts of legalizing marijuana in Connecticut – by the CT Center for Economic Analysis, 2020

State business tax climate index – annual report by the Tax Foundation

Photo: Accessed through Pixabay. CC0