Human Services
research guide
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The Office of Legislative Research writes nonpartisan reports for legislators on various topics. Recent reports related to the Human Services Committee’s subject areas include:
Katie Beckett Program in Select States – 2024-R-0184
Medicaid Eligibility – 2024-R-0174
Medicaid Reentry Demonstration Waiver – 2024-R-0148
Universal Health Coverage for Children – 2024-R-0117
2024 Acts Affecting People with Disabilities – 2024-R-0102
Service Animals and Registration – 2024-R-0090
Indian Child Welfare Act – 2024-R-0060
Medicaid Coverage for Adult Behavioral Health Peer Support Services – 2024-R-0036
Monitoring Medicaid Provider Rates – 2023-R-0306
Medicaid State Plan Amendments and Waivers – 2023-R-0257
State agencies
Dept. of Developmental Services
Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Services
Dept. of Aging and Disability Services
Dept. of Aging and Disability Services’ Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
State boards, commissions, and task forces
Council on Developmental Disabilities
Federal government
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, including:
Administration for Children and Families
Administration for Community Living
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service – distributes SNAP and WIC benefits
Other organizations
Connecticut Association for Human Services
Connecticut Coordinated Access Networks (CT CAN) – regional groups of agencies that connect homeless people to services
Disability Rights Connecticut – successor to the state Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities
Institute for Research on Poverty at the University of Wisconsin – Madison
Other online resources
Connecticut law about service animals and the ADA – research guide by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries
CT Law Journal – publishes notices of proposed amendments to Medicaid waivers
Health Affairs – Project HOPE – The People-to-People Health Foundation; print subscription.
GuideStar Premium – information on nonprofit organizations. Access at the Connecticut State Library.
National Academies Press publications about behavioral and social sciences and food and nutrition. Legislative Library subscription; see librarian.
Social Science Database – from ProQuest: “Social Science Database offers indexing and full text for hundreds of academic journals, providing extensive coverage across a wide range of social science disciplines including anthropology, communication, criminology, economics, education, political science, psychology, social work, and sociology.” Access from anywhere with a Connecticut State Library card.
NCSL Disability Employment Legislation Database – from the National Conference of State Legislatures and the U.S. Dept. of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy. Tracks legislation from 2016-present.
NCSL Economic Mobility Enacted Legislation Database – from the National Conference of State Legislatures. Tracks enacted legislation from 2020-present.
Please note this is not an exhaustive list. Contact the library for these and other reports.
Behavioral health insurance coverage and payment parity in HUSKY, private insurance, and Medicare AdvantageBehavioral health insurance coverage and payment parity in HUSKY, private insurance, and Medicare Advantage – published by the Office of Health Strategy; pursuant to PA 22-47 s.57 and s.58
Bipartisan Commission on Intellectual Disabilities and the Impact of COVID-19 findings and recommendations – pursuant to 2021 SJ 1 (Joint Rules), Rule 37
report testimonials
Cannabis health statistics – annual report by the Dept. of Public Health; pursuant to CGS 21a-422e
Child caregiver substance use disorder program evaluation and plan; child care supports and subsidies plan; supportive housing access; substance use disorder treatment for parents involved with DCF; and substance use disorder treatment for pregnant and parenting individualsChild caregiver substance use disorder program evaluation and plan; child care supports and subsidies plan; supportive housing access; substance use disorder treatment for parents involved with DCF; and substance use disorder treatment for pregnant and parenting individuals – by the Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Dept. of Children and Families, Dept. of Social Services, and Office of Early Childhood; pursuant to PA 23-97 s.29-33
Connecticut Behavioral Health Partnership annual report – by the Dept. of Children and Families, Dept. of Social Services, and Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Services; pursuant to CGS 17a-22m
Connecticut child support program: annual federal self-assessment report – by the Dept. of Social Services’ Office of Child Support Services; pursuant to CGS 17b-179(n)
Connecticut Family Support Council annual report – pursuant to CGS 17a-219c
Connecticut Home Care Program for Elders annual report – by the Dept. of Social Services; pursuant to CGS 17b-342(g)
Connecticut partnership for long-term care progress report – annual report by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to CGS 17b-254
Covered CT semi-annual report – by the Dept. of Social Services; pursuant to CGS 19a-754c
Dept. of Developmental Services five year plan – annual report; pursuant to CGS 17a-211
Dept. of Social Services annual report – pursuant to CGS 17b-9
Efficacy of home-based treatment and recovery services for persons with opioid use disorder following emergency department admissionsEfficacy of home-based treatment and recovery services for persons with opioid use disorder following emergency department admissions – by the Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Services; pursuant to PA 19-191 s.8
Elderly Nutrition Task Force final recommendationsElderly Nutrition Task Force final recommendations – pursuant to SA 23-17
Findings and recommendations to improve care for children with developmental disabilities and their families – two reports by the Medical Assistance Program Oversight Council’s Developmental Disabilities Work Group; pursuant to CGS 17b-28(k)
Food insecurity strategic planFood insecurity strategic plan – by the Dept. of Economic and Community Development; pursuant to PA 23-204 s.158
Gun Violence Intervention and Prevention Advisory Committee findings and recommendationsGun Violence Intervention and Prevention Advisory Committee findings and recommendations – pursuant to PA 21-35 s.9
Healthcare coverage feasibility studyHealthcare coverage feasibility study – by the Office of Health Strategy; pursuant to PA 21-176 s.5
Husky A parent transition – quarterly report until December 2017 by the Dept. of Social Services, Husky Health Connecticut, Access Health Connecticut, and the Medical Assistance Program Oversight Council; pursuant to CGS 17b-261u
Licensure and Certification Workgroup final reportfinal report – published by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to SA 17-21 s.1
Long-term care plan – triennial report by the Long-Term Care Planning Committee; pursuant to CGS 17b-337(e)
Medicaid waiver program waitlists and autism Medicaid waiver program waitlist – annual report by the Office of Policy and Management; pursuant to CGS 17a-238b and CGS 17a-215g
Medical Assistance Program Oversight Council biannual report – pursuant to CGS 17b-28(j)
Mortality annual report – by the Dept. of Developmental Services; pursuant to Rowland EO 25 and Rell EO 42
Number of persons receiving long-term care services and supports in the community and number of persons receiving long-term care services and supports in institutions – annual report by the Long-Term Care Planning Committee; pursuant to CGS 17b-337(d)
Nursing Home Financial Advisory Committee annual report – pursuant to CGS 17b-339(c)
Outline for a community ombudsman programOutline for a community ombudsman program – by the CT Long-Term Care Ombudsman; pursuant to SA 19-18
Senior Fraud Task Force preliminary reportSenior Fraud Task Force preliminary report – pursuant to PA 21-84 s.2
Statewide Senior Center Workgroup reportStatewide Senior Center Workgroup report – pursuant to PA 21-7
Telehealth analysis reportTelehealth analysis report – published by the Office of Health Strategy; pursuant to PA 22-81 s.41
Two-Generational (2Gen) Initiative annual report – by the Two-Generational Advisory Board; pursuant to CGS 17b-112l
Wheelchair Repair Task Force final report and recommendationsWheelchair Repair Task Force final report and recommendations – pursuant to SA 23-22
Dept. of Social Services provider resources
ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) in Connecticut: a financial hardship study – periodic report by the United Way of Connecticut
Access monitoring review plan for Connecticut’s Medicaid program (reportreport, appendixappendix) – by the Dept. of Social Services, 2016
Community Renewal Team annual report
Connecticut homeless system performance and re-design recommendationsConnecticut homeless system performance and re-design recommendations – by Focus Strategies, 2018
Factors influencing receipt of long-term services and supports in home and community settingsFactors influencing receipt of long-term services and supports in home and community settings – by the Office of Program Review and Investigations, 2016
Initial draft plan to provide Medicaid coverage under the Medicaid state plan for the treatment of Medicaid members under the age of 21 who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) – by the Dept. of Social Services, Dept. of Developmental Services, and Autism Spectrum Disorder Advisory Council, 2014
Kids count data book: state profiles of child well-being – annual report by the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Homeless point in time (PIT) count – annual report by various entities
Medicaid landscape analysisMedicaid landscape analysis – by the Dept. of Social Services, 2024
Medicaid long term care demand projections (reportreport and appendicesappendices) – by Mercer Government Human Services Consulting, 2019
Medicaid and long-term services and supports: a primerMedicaid and long-term services and supports: a primer – by Erica L. Reaves and MaryBeth Musumeci, the Kaiser Family Foundation, 2015
Operation Fuel annual report
Performance audit compliance report: Dept. of Social Services and Veyo non-emergency medical transportationPerformance audit compliance report: Dept. of Social Services and Veyo non-emergency medical transportation – by the Auditors of Public Accounts, 2021
Performance audit: oversight of Connecticut’s assisted living facilities 2017-2019Performance audit: oversight of Connecticut’s assisted living facilities 2017-2019 – by the Auditors of Public Accounts, 2021
Performance audit compliance report: oversight of pre-need funeral service contractsPerformance audit compliance report: oversight of pre-need funeral service contracts – by the Auditors of Public Accounts, 2020
Performance audit: Protective Services for the Elderly 2017-2019Performance audit: Protective Services for the Elderly 2017-2019 – by the Auditors of Public Accounts, 2021
Performance audit: Dept. of Social Services Community First Choice 2017-2020Performance audit: Dept. of Social Services Community First Choice 2017-2020 – by the Auditors of Public Accounts, 2022
Work matters: a framework for states on workforce development for people with disabilitiesWork matters: a framework for states on workforce development for people with disabilities – by the Council of State Governments and National Conference of State Legislatures, 2016
Work opportunity tax creditWork opportunity tax credit – by the Congressional Research Service, 2016
Why does cash welfare depend on where you live? How and why state TANF programs varyWhy does cash welfare depend on where you live? How and why state TANF programs vary – by the Urban Institute, 2017
Photo: CQC Press Office (Care Quality Commission). Cropped. CC BY 2.0