Insurance and Real Estate research guide

Insurance and Real Estate

research guide

  • Table of contents
  • Recent OLR Reports

The Office of Legislative Research writes nonpartisan reports for legislators on various topics. Recent reports related to the Insurance and Real Estate Committee’s subject areas include:

2024 Acts Affecting Insurance – 2024-R-0088

Health Insurers and Pharmacy Benefit Managers: Information on Size and CEO Salaries – 2024-R-0033

Copay Accumulator Programs – 2024-R-0034

Crumbling Foundations Legislation – 2024-R-0029

Pharmacy Benefit Managers – Connecticut Laws – 2024-R-0027

Issue Brief: Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements and Association Health Plans in Connecticut – 2023-R-0140

State-Mandated Health Insurance Benefits – 2023-R-0246

Assessment on Insurers – 2023-R-0198

Long Term Care Insurance Legislation in Other States – 2023-R-0194

Required Home Inspections Before Residential Home Sales – 2023-R-0228

Homeowners Insurance in Rural Connecticut – 2023-R-0211

  • Websites

State agencies

Insurance Dept. (CID)

Office of Health Strategy (OHS)

            CT Healthcare Affordability Index

Office of the Healthcare Advocate (OHA)


State boards, commissions, and task forces

Connecticut Long-Term Care Planning Committee

Connecticut Partnership for Long-Term Care

Connecticut Real Estate Commission

Long-Term Care Advisory Council


Federal government – information about the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services


Other organizations

Access Health CT

Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation – research on health insurance

Insurance Information Institute

Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

National Association of Insurance Commissioners


Other online resources

Expanding Access to Care – Legislative Library research guide from the 2020 OLR Issues Conference

Connecticut law about buying, building or selling a home – research guide by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

Connecticut law about condominiums – research guide by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

Connecticut law about health care – research guide by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

Dept. of Consumer Protection frequently asked questions about condominiums

Dept. of Social Services information on health and home care

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services program statistics

  • Periodicals

Connecticut Insurance Law Journal – University of Connecticut School of Law

Health Affairs – Project HOPE – The People-to-People Health Foundation; print subscription.

  • Databases

NCSL Autonomous Vehicles Bill Tracking Database – from the National Conference of State Legislatures. Tracks legislation from 2017-present.

NCSL Health Costs, Coverage and Delivery Legislation Database – from the National Conference of State Legislatures. Tracks legislation from 2022-present.

NCSL Injury Prevention Legislation Database – from the National Conference of State Legislatures. Tracks legislation from 2015-present.

NCSL Prescription Drug Bill Tracking Database – from the National Conference of State Legislatures. Tracks legislation from 2015-present.

  • Mandated reports

Please note this is not an exhaustive list. Contact the library for these and other reports.

Access to insurance by Connecticut cannabis establishmentsAccess to insurance by Connecticut cannabis establishments – by the Insurance Dept.; pursuant to PA 21-1 s.64 June

Annual summary of Consumer Affairs Division quarterly reports of received complaints – by the Insurance Dept.; pursuant to CGS 38a-9(a)

Certificate of Need Task Force final reportCertificate of Need Task Force final report – pursuant to PA 22-118 s.124

Climate progress report – biennial report by the Insurance Dept.; pursuant to CGS 38a-23

Connecticut acute care hospital and outpatient surgical facility data: report to Access Health CT – annual report by the Public Health and Insurance departments; pursuant to CGS 38a-1084a(c)

Connecticut exchange adverse selection study – annual report from Access Health CT; pursuant to CGS 38a-1084 (25)

Connecticut health insurance exchange (d/b/a Access Health CT) annual report – pursuant to CGS 38a-1089(b)

Connecticut medical malpractice annual report – by the Insurance Dept.; pursuant to CGS 38a-395

Consumer report card on health insurance carriers in Connecticut – annual report pursuant to CGS 38a-478l

Covered CT semi-annual report – by the Dept. of Social Services; pursuant to CGS 19a-754c

Determination re. program to refer individuals with diabetes to certain entities for treatment regardless of their health coverage statusDetermination re. program to refer individuals with diabetes to certain entities for treatment regardless of their health coverage status – by the Diabetes Patient Referral Program Working Group; pursuant to PA 20-4 s.1(b)(6) July

Financial and personnel status reports – quarterly report by Access Health CT to the Office of Fiscal Analysis; pursuant to CGS 1-123(b) and CGS 1-123(c)

Health carrier rebate practices – annual report by the Insurance Dept.; pursuant to CGS 38a-479ttt

Healthcare cost growth benchmark and primary care spending target initiatives – annual report by the Office of Health Strategy; pursuant to CGS 19a-754j

Healthcare coverage feasibility studyHealthcare coverage feasibility study – by the Office of Health Strategy; pursuant to PA 21-176 s.5

High Deductible Health Plan Task Force final reportfinal report – pursuant to PA 19-117 s.247(g)

Insurance Commissioner annual report – pursuant to CGS 38a-12(a)

Managed care report – annual report by the Insurance Dept.; pursuant to CGS 38a-478a and CGS 38a-478b(b)

Nonquantitative treatment limitation (NQTL) report – annual report by the Insurance Dept.; pursuant to CGS 38a-477ee

Office of the Healthcare Advocate annual evaluation – by the Advisory Committee to the Office of the Healthcare Advocate; pursuant to CGS 38a-1049(b)

Office of the Healthcare Advocate annual report – pursuant to CGS 38a-1050

Outpatient prescription drug cost report – annual report by the Insurance Dept.; pursuant to CGS 38a-479sss

Paraeducator Healthcare Work Group studyParaeducator Healthcare Work Group study – published by Access Health CT; pursuant to PA 23-204 s.206

Pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) rebate report – annual report by the Insurance Dept.; pursuant to CGS 38a-479ppp

Property casualty insurance rate reviews – annual report by the Insurance Dept.; pursuant to CGS 38a-9(c)

Protecting behavioral health for consumers in Connecticut: report on recommendations for utilization and quality measures data collectionProtecting behavioral health for consumers in Connecticut: report on recommendations for utilization and quality measures data collection – by the Behavioral Health Working Group; pursuant to PA 16-158 and PA 15-5 s.353 June

Quarterly data report – by Access Health CT; pursuant to CGS 38a-1092(a)

Statewide healthcare facilities and services plan – biennial report by the Office of Health Care Access; pursuant to CGS 19a-634

A study to use captive insurance companies to reduce premium rate increases for Connecticut Partnership long-term care insurance policiesA study to use captive insurance companies to reduce premium rate increases for Connecticut Partnership long-term care insurance policies – by the CT Insurance Dept.; pursuant to PA22-107

Telehealth analysis reportTelehealth analysis report – published by the Office of Health Strategy; pursuant to PA 22-81 s.41

Wheelchair Repair Task Force final report and recommendationsWheelchair Repair Task Force final report and recommendations – pursuant to SA 23-22

  • Finding OLR Reports and more in the vertical files: index headings

For OLR Reports and other materials related to the Insurance and Real Estate Committee’s work, index headings include:

Related to insurance:

Child Care
Drug Abuse and Control
Emergency Medical Service
Health Care Facilities
Home Care Services
Insurance – (subtopic folders for Casualty, Health, Health-Foreign Nations, Health-Managed Care, Health-Mandates, Health-MSAs, Health-Medicare Supplement Policies, Health-Reform, Health-Uncompensated Care, Homeowners’, Legal, Malpractice, Motor Vehicle, No Fault)
Medical Care
Mental Health
Mental Health Facilities
Motor Vehicles
Nursing Homes
Pharmacies and Pharmacists
Traffic Accidents
Traffic Safety
Welfare-Medical Assistance (Medicaid)
Worker’s Compensation

Related to real estate:

Contractors – Home Improvement
Eminent Domain
Historic Conservation
Land-Acquisition and Development Rights
Land Use
Licensing-Real Estate
Planning and Zoning
Tax Exemptions

The library assigns topical index headings to all OLR Reports and keeps hard copies of the reports organized by these index headings. Reports from 1994 to the present are in the library’s file cabinets (aka the “vertical files”) in the red-tabbed folders, as well as online in full text. Older reports are in two sets of bound volumes (one set for the 1970s, and one for 1980-1993) on the library’s shelves.

The same index headings the library uses for OLR Reports have been used to organize over 600 subject files of materials such as newspaper clippings, court decisions, press releases, pamphlets, and other resources that would be more difficult to locate if they were dispersed throughout the library’s general collection. The subject files are in the blue-tabbed folders in the file cabinets. (Many of the items in these folders have also been digitized by the library, and their electronic versions can be found in the library’s intranet catalog.)

  • Reference works

Automobile Insurance Subrogation in all 50 States – by Gary L. Wickert, 2012

Connecticut Insurance Law – by Michael S. Taylor, 2013 

Couch on Insurance – access through Westlaw.

Glossary of Connecticut Real Property Law Terms – by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries

  • Call number ranges

For the past several years, almost all newly published items added to the library’s collection have been in electronic format only. These items are accessible in full text through the library’s intranet catalog. Many old print materials have also been digitized and uploaded to the library’s catalog.

To get a general sense of a subject’s history, however, you may find it useful to browse the library stacks in certain locations to see print copies of older publications (and the occasional newer item that was published both electronically and in print). For publications related to insurance and real estate, call number ranges include, but are not limited to:

333 economics of land and energy
368 insurance

Hard copies of mandated reports that were produced only once or as a limited series are shelved by the number of the act that required the report. Hard copies of mandated reports produced regularly with no set end date (for example, state agencies’ annual reports) are shelved in the stacks by subject.

  • Other resources in the library’s collection

The ACA’s impact on Connecticut’s health coverage and costsThe ACA’s impact on Connecticut’s health coverage and costs – by the Urban Institute Health Policy Center, 2017

CT Foundation Solutions Indemnity Company annual report

Employer health benefits annual survey – by the Kaiser Family Foundation

Health insurance coverage in the United States – periodic report from the Census Bureau

Photo: Tichnor Brothers Postcard Collection, Boston Public Library. Accessed through Digital Commonwealth: Massachusetts Collections Online