BPRC Celebrate Cardona Nomination and Miller Election

The legislature’s Black and Puerto Rican Caucus (BPRC) proudly recognize and celebrate the historic achievements Dr. Miguel Cardona and Representative Pat Billie Miller have made this week.

On Tuesday, Meriden’s own Dr. Cardona was confirmed and sworn in as the U.S. Secretary of Education under the Biden Administration. Also, on Tuesday, Rep. Miller won a special election to represent and serve the 27th district (Stamford and Darien) in the State Senate, making her the 4th black woman elected to serve on the State Senate after serving 12 years in the State House of Representatives.

Congratulations and many successes to Secretary of Education Dr. Miguel Cardona. Our nation will benefit from your inclusive and equitable pedagogue as you lead our nation’s students out of this pandemic.

It is so fitting as we end Black History Month and begin Women’s History Month that Senator-elect Pat Billie Miller makes history in the State of Connecticut. we congratulate our colleague and wish her much success as she continues to fight for the residents of the 27th district and the people of Connecticut

This is a proud day for the BPRC. Representation is the focal point and goal in holding public office and ultimately the way we have our needs met and voices heard. Dr. Cardona and Rep. Miller’s achievements are not met by luck, but rather years of hard work, dedication and perseverance. Congratulations to Dr. Miguel Cardona and Representative Pat Billie Miller, your accomplishments are well-deserved. We wish you nothing but success on your pathways to equitable representation on both the state and federal levels.