Children Websites

State agencies

Connecticut Birth to Three

Dept. of Children and Families

Dept. of Education

Office of the Child Advocate

Office of Early Childhood


State boards, commissions, and task forces

Office of the Child Advocate Advisory Committee

Child Fatality Review Panel

Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity & Opportunity

Early Childhood Cabinet

Juvenile Justice Policy and Oversight Committee

State Interagency Birth to Three Coordinating Council


Federal government

Administration for Children and Families – part of the Dept. of Health and Human Services; promotes the economic and social well-being of families

Children’s Bureau – part of the Administration for Children and Families; focuses on the health and well-being of children

Child Welfare Information Gateway – part of the Children’s Bureau


Other organizations

Annie E. Casey Foundation

Child Trends

Connecticut Voices for Children


Other online resources

Research guides by the Judicial Branch Law Libraries:

            Connecticut law about child abuse and neglect

            Connecticut law about child custody and visitation

            Connecticut law about child support

            Connecticut law about leaving a child alone

            Connecticut law about rights of minors

            Connecticut law about termination of parental rights