Study of Community-based bereavement and grief counseling resource centers

Study of Community-based bereavement and grief counseling resource centers

January 1, 2024
Co-Chairs and ranking members of the Education Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly:
As Executive Director of the Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity and Opportunity it is my duty to submit the following community based grief and bereavement services study.
By addressing the three areas of study assigned by Section 19, Public Act 23-101 as mandates, this study highlights developed several policy recommendations that the education committee should consider. These are presented in the overraching recommendation, mandate specific recommendation, and additional recommendation(s) sections.
This study draws upon a variety of perspectives including those of dedicated members of the Social and Emotional learning and School Climate Advisory Collaborative, community based grief and bereavement organizations, school based health centers, and school counselors.
We are honored to submit this study, and look forward to our continued collaboration.
Steven Hernández, Esq. Executive Director Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity and Opportunity