Latino and Puerto Rican Sub Commission

Latino and Puerto Rican Sub Commission

Latino and Puerto Rican Sub-commission focuses its efforts on issues affecting the Latino and Puerto Rican community in Connecticut by recommending and promoting the economic development, education, health and political well-being of their population. The Sub-Commission accomplishes this goal by researching best practices models, conducting fact-finding hearings, and via partnerships that use a cross-cultural lens to conduct their policy work in the Connecticut General Assembly.


The Latino and Puerto Rican Sub-Commission of the Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity, and Opportunity (CWCSEO) meets the first Tuesday of every month – except in the month of August – at 3:30 PM via Zoom.  To request the Zoom link to this meeting, please email  The Latino & Puerto Rican Sub-Commission highly encourages public participation including 15 minutes earmarked for public comments.  If you are interested in speaking at this meeting, please contact Werner Oyanadel at the email listed above for further instructions.


Board Members