
Livability in Practice

Recognizing Livability

Public Act 14-73 requires Connecticut’s Legislative Commission on Aging to recognize communities that have implemented livable community initiatives. We’re already fulfilling this statutory mandate by tracking innovations and ideas that are happening around the state, the nation and the world to make communities more livable.

Moving forward, we’ll be identifying outstanding examples of livability with awards for communities at different stages on the path to livability. We’ll be posting more information here as it becomes available.

Innovations and Ideas

Across Connecticut and throughout the nation, communities are implementing a number of successful initiatives to create thriving places for people to grow up and grow older. The links below are intended to:

  • Galvanize continued improvements in Connecticut,
  • Promote best practices, and
  • Stimulate continued ideas and innovation.

In Connecticut Statewide, Regionally and by Town

Nationally By State