

The Origin of the Auditors of Public Accounts

The office of the Auditors of Public Accounts can trace its origin to a charter granted in 1662 to the Colony of Connecticut by King Charles the Second of England. The state statutes of 1750 refer to the auditing of “the Colony’s account with the Treasurer of the Colony.” In 1786, when the Office of the State Comptroller was created, the Auditors of Public Accounts was placed under its supervision and remained so until 1937, when legislation established the independent status of the office. Its organization, with two state auditors not of the same political party, makes Connecticut unique among state auditing agencies. From its colonial origin, Connecticut’s audit function has been performed by more than a single auditor.

Today’s APA

The Auditors of Public Accounts presently consists of over 120 full-time employees. The state auditors are assisted in the management of the office by two deputy state auditors, six administrative auditors and two executive assistants. The administrative auditors oversee six audit groups generally divided by type and subject matter. The administration unit provides administrative assistance to the office, support services to the field audit teams, and report processing services. For additional information on the office, please see the latest Annual Report to the General Assembly.

Current and Past Connecticut State Auditors

Craig A. Miner 2024-present
Clark J. Chapin 2021-2024
Robert J. Kane 2017-2021
John C. Geragosian 2011-present
Robert M. Ward 2011-2016
Kevin P. Johnston 1992-2011
Robert G. Jaekle 1992-2011
Leo V. Donohue 1971-1992
Alan H. Jepsen 1970
Henry J. Becker 1966-1992
Leo V. Donohue 1967-1969
C. Perrie Phillips 1964-1967
Robert F. Claffey 1958-1964
Clarence F. Baldwin 1958-1966
Raymond S. Thatcher 1955-1958
Raymond I. Longley 1950-1958
Joseph B. Downes 1941-1955
Frank M. Lynch 1935-1950
Lewis W. Phelps 1920-1940
James P. Tobin 1913-1919
Edward S. Roberts 1907-1912
Edward M. Yeomans 1906
William P. Bailey 1905-1934
Lester D. Phelps 1904
James P. Bree 1902-1905
D. Ward Northrop 1900-1901
Walter A. Riley 1900-1903
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