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Past Red, White & Blue Schools
Theme: Connecting Communities
Outstanding School:
Cornwall Consolidated School, Cornwall
Click here to read Cornwall Consolidated School’s submission
Schools of Distinction:
Six to Six Interdistrict Magnet School, Bridgeport
Click here to read Six to Six Interdistrict Magnet School’s submission
William J. Johnston Middle School, Colchester
Click here to read William J. Johnston Middle School’s submission
Red, White & Blue Schools:
Click here for a list of the 2023-2024 Red, White & Blue Schools
Theme: Founding Documents
Outstanding School:
Chippens Hill Middle School, Bristol
Red, White & Blue Schools:
Berlin High School, Berlin
Oxford High School, Oxford
Theme: Local Elections & Governments
Outstanding Schools:
Andrew Warde High School, Fairfield
Ridgefield High School, Ridgefield
South Windsor Public Schools
Theme: Local Civic Engagement
Outstanding Schools:
Amity Regional High School, Woodbridge
Andrew Warde High School, Fairfield
Dr. Thomas S. O’Connell Elementary School, East Hartford
Red, White & Blue Schools:
Enfield Public Schools
Glastonbury Public Schools
South Windsor Public Schools
William J. Johnston Middle School, Colchester
Windsor Locks Middle School, Windsor Locks
Theme: The Presidential Election Process
Outstanding Schools:
Amity Public Schools
Enfield High School, Enfield
South Windsor Public Schools
Red, White & Blue Schools:
Enfield Public Schools
Glastonbury Public Schools
South Windsor Public Schools
William J. Johnston Middle School, Colchester
Windsor Locks Middle School, Windsor LocksE.O. Smith High School, Storrs
Lincoln Middle School, Meriden
Norwich Free Academy, Norwich
Tolland High School, Tolland
Westhill High School, Stamford
Windsor High School, Windsor

Secretary of the State Stephanie Thomas recognizes
the 2022-2023 Outstanding School: Chippens Hill Middle School in Bristol.